Finally, the noisy brats that were in the hallway screaming to the top of their lungs and bouncing a ball went inside their apartment. WTF? I couldn't take it anymore, had to say something. Opened the door and told them to lower their voices that they were talking to loud! Fuck, hated doing it because I don't like conflict but they literally felt like they were inside my apartment and I was busy doing some things online. Couldn't hear myself think. I don't understand why parents don't fucking get it. Why can't they tell them before sending them out. "You can play but once you start talking loud or screaming you are coming inside. No they send them out and forget other people live here. Then they do it right in front of my fucking door and the door across from me. I don't have small children and the people across are in their 60's. I never ever did that with my kids. Seriously, no respect at all for other people!
Ok, now that I got that out of my system. Halloween is in two weeks, wow! Even though we don't do anything special for this day I always like it. You know, I think this year I'm going to rent some creepy movies. Get some popcorn and enjoy our Halloween. Why not? What about you? What are you going to do for Halloween?
Christmas is getting closer and I can't wait! Not that I'm doing anything special either but the smell in the air, the spirit, the snow etc. Makes me feel jolly! I hope the days won't fly by like it did last year! I'm also hoping for a snowy winter!

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