Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year Everyone/Feliz Año Nuevo A Todos!!

Want to wish everyone Happy New Year! Wherever you are! We are staying home as usual, enjoying some good music. Listening to Salsa as I'm typing this post to get in a festive mood. Salsa always does that for me, lol. The Latina sangre/blood, weeepaa!

We are leaving the big dinner for tomorrow, I was going to make a pernil but I had some chicken prepared from yesterday and I didn't wanted it to go to waste. So for today is something simple, chicken, mac with cheese, cranberry jellied sauce plus dessert. Yum!

Hope everyone is having great Happy New Year's Eve with their family and friends. Sending a virtual hug to all of you. Stay safe and of course don't drink and drive/Cuidénsen y por supuesto no tomen y manejen...

 Happy New Year 2011, coño!! May this new year bring you nothing but good things!! Mucha salud, amor y dinero/Lots of love, health and money!Photobucket

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