Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Sharing Some Pictures.

I took these pictures (click picture to enlarge) and a video some time ago when I went to Manhattan and Brooklyn but kept forgetting to post them. The video is about a group breakdancing, doesn't look too good because the sun was hitting me and I was shy to move in closer. I enjoy them a lot just as long they are not doing it inside the train, don't want to get kicked in the face! Heck, I used to do some freestyling myself back in the days so I know how cool it can be! I can still remember my grandmother yelling Mira carajo sal del medio de la calle! LOL The good old days...♥

Manhattan Municipal Building
Horace Greeley Statue
MTA Building
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  1. what a beautiful blue sky you had that day!

  2. Yes, we did. Perfect day to walk around and take pictures. ;-)


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