Sunday, September 20, 2009

Life & PhotoHunt - Upside Down

This weekend went by so fast! I keep thinking is Saturday. I have been awake since 4 AM, wasn't sleepy so I started doing laundry. I'm still doing laundry! Going to take a break soon and go back to it later tonight.

We went to do some shopping on Friday and got home pretty late and tired! We walked a lot trying to find some things my son needed for school. Didn't get everything because I ran out of cash so it will have to wait for some time this week. You know things start adding up and when you get to the cashier girl you gasp in horror because it came up to too much! My daughter ended up getting a much needed wallet (in NY you need a wallet that is easy to get your $ out) from Marshall's. Funny thing is she had forgotten about it then a lady asked us to give her a purse she left behind while in line to pay (she changed her mind and decided to buy it) and when my daughter gave it to her the wallet fell on the floor. It was only $10, guess it was fate, he, he.

Yesterday I spent the day recharging my batteries, my back and my legs were killing me! I slept a lot, one of the reasons why I woke up at 4 AM and couldn't go back to sleep. In the evening I went to the supermarket with my son. We had pizza (supermarket didn't have Digiorno so I had to buy another kind, ugh) for dinner and then watched Supernatural and Fringe. Great episodes, btw! Fringe beginning was awesome and disturbing!

I didn't post my PhotoHunt yesterday so here it is. This week's theme is upside down. It took me some time to find a picture for this theme! I was about to give up when I found it, lol. This was taken by my daughter last year when we went to the movies. If you would like to join PhotoHunt click on the link or the badge. Happy Sunday.♥

Timesculpture at Lincoln Center
Timesculpture at Lincoln Center by Philip Johnson (1999).
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