Thursday, February 18, 2010

New Blog Feed!

I use feed burner to do my feed.  Well, not too long I received an email with my email address with a Blog feed only problem it wasn't the feed from my Blog it was from someone else's Blog!  This happened twice.  Yes, I subscribe to my own feed to see what my readers see and check if there is any problems, case in point.  I also check my Blog on 3 different browsers right after I post something to make sure is showing correctly. 

Anyway, I thought the person had hacked my email account so I changed the password.  Some of the blogger's posts were even showing on two widgets I had on my Blog.  That was completely weird.  After looking at my feedburner account I just decided to delete both feeds I had and start a new one.  Hopefully this will resolve the problem if not google, feedburner are going to hear from me! Pin It Now!


  1. Holy cow, that's awful!!! Your blog feed was hacked?! I didn't know it was possible. :( That's a Google service, too.

    By the way, something screwy goes on with this inline comment thing in Blogger. This comment screen does not enlarge enough to type in the Captcha at the bottom, and there is no scrollbar. I have had problems trying to leave comments here. Maybe this is why you have fewer comments than normal? I was able to get to the captcha by hitting the "Tab" button on my keyboard, but I don't think many people would know that. This might be a bug in your comments code. Hope this helps in any way.

  2. Rebecca, I don't know if it was hacked or what. I know it pissed me off, lol. So far things seem to be working fine though. We'll see..

    The problem with the captcha has been there for sometimes. Apparently there is problem with Blogger. I thought they had fixed it, guess not. I found about the problem last year from another Blogger who had the same problem and she blogged about it. Thanks for letting me know and thanks for stopping by! :-)


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