Thursday, February 11, 2010

Oprah's Child Molesters Episode.

I want to thank Oprah for doing this show and for posting it on her site for those of us who didn't have a chance to record it. It is hard to watch especially for those who know someone who has been raped or molested or if the person has been a victim themselves. When I first started watching I have to admit it made me sick but I wanted to see the whole episode because I wanted to know what they had to say about what they did. I was surprised with how graphic they were with the details but I guess if is not to reveal all the details then what would be the point of doing the show.  

If you are parent, guardian you should take the time to watch the show. However, if you have been a victim or know someone who has been a victim the show might bring back some memories. Still we live in a world where sex is almost everywhere whether is in one form or another so it is important to know what these people look for when they are looking for a victim. I read some comments where people said why give these men the time of day by putting in them on TV. I sort of felt the same way but after watching the show I feel differently. It's good to know that these people come in every package: young, old, very old. The normal looking guy/woman or the weird looking guy/woman, makes no difference. Anyone can be one of them... 

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