I'm not making a big Thanksgiving feast because we are a small family but I'm making enough to last me for 3 days. I'm making the usual so far, pernil, arroz con gandules/rice with pigeon peas, maduros/yellow plantain, ensalada de papas/potato salad (maybe) and cranberry jellied sauce. For dessert, I'm buying a pie or whatever the kids want.
One thing will be different this year, no more Mami jodiendose in the kitchen by herself until dinner is ready. Everyone is going to help this time! Nope, I'm not one of those Mami who wants to do everything herself anymore. I need help, coño! They are not going to like it but if they want to eat they better do it. Anyone else feels the same way out there?
Now to get ready with my smiling face mask on and off I go. My son is dreading having to go with me but my daughter is not here yet so he has no other choice.
In case I don't blog tomorrow. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone wherever they are. Stay safe, don't drink and drive/Cuidensen, no beban y conduzcan.♥x♥x♥
image credit: snagwiremedia.com