Que Dramatic!
My son makes me laugh a lot with the things he says or does. When my cable was fixed not too long ago I had to check that all channels were working. Of course I did this after the tech had left. My son was sitting next to me when I tuned in into a Spanish channel, can't remember which one. There were airing a novela (Soap Opera) at the time. I was curious so I left it there for a bit, then my son says out of the blue, that's how you act. I burst out laughing saying what do you mean? He said that's how you act sometimes. I said to him mentiroso (liar) while laughing so hard I could barely talk. What he meant was that women can be overly dramatic sometimes, especially if we know we are right! I recorded the part, thanks to my DVR because I wanted to share it. Now, I'm in no way bashing women or Latinas here. Want to make that clear, just thought it was funny...
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