I feel like scrooge these days. I have been trying to get into the Holidays spirit, but I have been feeling blah. The weather being so warm doesn't help either! There are no decorations up or presents. Bills needed to be paid and I figure we can always buy some things after Christmas at a cheaper price. I still feel shitty about it though. No way around that one.
I threw away our Christmas tree 2 years ago and never replaced it. To make up for it and to try to change my mood, I'm getting a few things from the 99¢ store today. They have some cute things at a price we can afford. After all, it's going to be used once a year so I won't feel guilty about the price. I'll probably post some pictures.
Have to do the grocery shopping also. We are having our traditional Puerto Rican dinner. Same as the Thanksgiving dinner, but instead of brownies I'm baking a cake. It's called Gooey Butter Cake (original recipe). This is the first time I hear about it (don't judge me, I was raised in PR & I don't go out much). I saw the recipe at the Tasty Kitchen Blog (step by step w/pictures). It looks delish so I'm giving it a try. However, since I'm not into baking much I'm going with the original recipe by using a plain box of yellow cake mix. Wish me luck! Depending on how it looks I'll post pictures. I don't want to embarrass myself!

Now, let me get going before I change my mind about going outside. My stamina doesn't last long. La vejez/old age, nena. A bit of music might be in order to get me going, coño!
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