Happy Thanksgiving everyone! How is your day going? Our pernil has been in the oven since this morning. My apartment smell delish with the smell of garlic. It's coming to come out so juicy, rico! After this post I'm making the potato salad then a bit later to make the rice and the plátanos maduros. Unfortunately, they didn't have pasteles at the Dominican Restaurant yesterday so me quedé con las ganas. We still have Christmas and New Year so I will check if those days they have some. That if I can control my craving until then, lol.
The heat is on so I have two windows open with the window fan on to keep the apartment cool. I get cranky when I'm sweating while I'm cooking, lol. I can hear my neighbors playing Spanish Christmas music. I'm not in a festive mood yet but I will get there little by little. My sore throat is keeping me from singing which is something I like doing when I'm feeling festive. Not that I can sing but I do it anyway!

Later I'm going to Skype with my daughter for a bit. I love that we can do that. Makes it easier her not being here, I miss my baby. She's coming back on Saturday so far, so we will probably be making a trip to airport. The airport is going to be full that's for sure, but we enjoy taking the trip down there.
Bueno, la cocina is calling me for now. I will take pictures of my pernil if I remember. It's hard to remember to take pictures when you are dying to meterle mano a la comida, lol. Hope everyone is enjoying their Thanksgiving. No coman ni beban mucho!/Don't eat or drink too much! LOL Stay safe, mi gente! Cuidensen!