Saturday, December 31, 2011

Feliz Año Nuevo! - Happy New Year!


Happy New Year/Feliz Año Nuevo, mi gente! Can't believe this year is almost over, it went by so fast. Seems like it was summer not too long ago. This year was sort of uneventful for me and I'm happy to say I didn't have any major drama! I'm so ready for a new year. Leaving all the bad spirits, bad memories and bad luck behind!

Just woke up from a nap because it's too hot in here. I have the window open in the kitchen but it didn't make a difference. Mis hijos are still sleeping. We had our traditional dinner, pernil with arroz con gandules. We watched some America's Funniest Home Videos episodes. We rented some movies but it looks like we are watching those tomorrow...

Hope everyone is enjoying the last minutes of 2011! Cuidense/Be safe. May the new year be filled with love, health, happiness and mucho mucho dinero! Happy 2012!!♥♥

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