Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year! | Feliz Año Nuevo!

Happy New Years Eve everyone! Well, the world didn't end and another year will be over in a few hours. Like we say in Puerto Rico. Hora de dejar los malos espíritus atrás/Time to leave the evil spirits behind. Are you ready for the new year? I am, I think. LOL I haven't been in a celebrating mood these holidays. I'm listening to holiday music on Spotify to cheer up a bit. Is it working? A bit, so far...

The food is cooking and my apartment smells delish. Dinner will be ready soon. I cooked our usual holiday dinner. You know, the pernil, arroz con gandules, etc. Our cat is laying in the kitchen doorway enjoying the warmth of the oven, lol. He's passed out. If only I was as relaxed as him right now!

I hope everyone is having a great day wherever they are. I want to wish you all a new year full of happiness, laughter, love, good health and beautiful memories...

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