Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Christina Aguilera's First Film.

Christina Aguilera is making her first film called Burlesque. It's a movie musical. Will be about a small town girl who finds success in a Los Angeles club. I was wondering when she was going to do a movie. Should be interesting to see her in the big screen. She has one of the greatest singing voices in my opinion. I get chills when I listen to her sing and she's a Latina which makes it even better!

Funny thing is everyone thought she was going to turn into a loquita (wild) and then she got married and became a Mami. Glad everything is going good for her and that she found a decent man. Those are hard to find these days, están escasos (they are scarce)!

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  1. I like her earlier works but not so much the later ones, would go to support a fellow Latina tho.

  2. Ms Latina, yes we have to support our gente!♥


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