Last night I went to Target with my daughter. Something I haven't done in months. We went to buy soap, tissues, some clothes for my her, etc. Well, we didn't buy everything we needed because we started browsing of course. By the time we realized we needed to keep shopping it was 9:55PM! They close at 10PM! We ended up buying only a few things of the list so I was disappointed about that. Another trip is needed.
I blogged about wanting to buy the Adele CD (her latest) and I finally did! I almost forgot it too except Target had it close to the cashier! Thank you, Target. Last time I purchased a CD was My December by Kelly Clarkson! Next week I'll get the previous CD, 19.
Cool surprise I received when I signed on to AOL today. Yes, I still use AOL (the software) and I love it! Don't judge me. Anyway, Mr. Reed Hasting had a moment of clarity and finally made a smart decision. Like one of the article's tittle read, Qwikster is dead. Woohoo, so freaking happy about this! The picture below is from an email I received earlier today. Yes people, when you are a TV/Movie addict shit like this matters.
About two weeks ago I ran out of medicine. I knew the withdrawals symptoms were going to be brutal and still are somewhat, they come and ago. In many ways I have been feeling better except for the pain, the withdrawal symptoms and the constant need to eat because of stomach pain. I have gained a few pounds on top of what I gained for the past year and a half. I'm not going to go into details but one of the reasons I need it is for my back pain. Problems is, that although it makes me feel a bit better and it gets rid off the pain - I lose myself in some ways. Now I'm debating whether to keep taking a lower dosage for the pain, etcetera or not take it at all and deal with the pain, gain more weight but be myself again. Tough decision...