Sunday, February 27, 2011

Frustration & Oscar Night!

Sorry I haven't been blogging as often lately. Some of you might remember my router burning out not to long ago. I haven't been able to replace it yet. Bills must be paid and we are in a tight budget. Needless to say I'm frustrated/pulling my hair that I can't use the computer when I want to or even watch Netflix. I just come in to check my emails, read for a bit and check on a few blogs before the Mami when are you going to finish starts. It totally sucks! 

Today is Oscar night! Who's excited? I know I am, lol. I'll be watching but I'm also recording it to fast forward the parts I don't want to see. For instance the parts where they tell you the plot of the movie. I haven't seen any of the movies nominated! I have a lot of catching up to do. It will be hard to decide who I would like to win though. I guess someone who hasn't won yet. All I know is I'm cooking early so I can sit down and enjoy the show! I'm also recording the red carpet show. I enjoy seeing what they are wearing, who is nervous, chismes/gossip, etc. Que emoción!

Are you ready? Or you don't give a crap who wins? Photobucket 
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Thursday, February 24, 2011

My Top Entrecard Droppers!

I want give many thanks to my top Entrecard droppers for taking the time to visit my little corner every day. Follow their links to visit their blogs. You will find a little bit of everything. From personal blogs to reviews, fashion, pets, family, tips etc.

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Sunday, February 20, 2011

Sunday Funnies.

It's a chilly Sunday in NY although I can't tell from inside my apartment. I opened the window a bit so some cold air can come in because is too warm in here. Hope everyone is enjoying their Sunday. I'm enjoying mine so far. Happy I prepared half of today's dinner last night. Today, dinner will be done quickly! Yay for me...

Enjoy today's funnies!

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Saturday, February 19, 2011

Windy Day! & PhotoHunt.

PhotobucketIt's very windy in NY today! I have my window open even though is cold because I like hearing the sound of the wind and I want some clean air to come in. I went to the supermarket last night and I'm glad I did. By the time I got back the wind started picking up to the point I had to walk with my eyes closed because of the dirt floating around. As I was waiting for my son to come down to help me with the groceries I had to hold on to my cart, lol. That's how windy it was, today it is worse. So be careful out there mi gente!

I haven't done PhotoHunt in a while, mainly because the majority of my photos are in a drive that stopped working so I can't find pictures to go with some of the themes. I had one for this week's theme, Silhouette. My son took this picture of our cat with his cell phone about three years ago. He likes to sit/lay on the windowsill when is warm out to enjoy the sun. If you would like to join PhotoHunt visit tnchick's blog. Happy Saturday!♥♥


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Friday, February 18, 2011

So Love This Song!

LOS ANGELES, CA - FEBRUARY 08:  Singer Adele, ...Image by Getty Images via @daylifeRolling in the Deep from Adele has become one of my favorite songs. This is one of those songs that gets to the core of your soul and makes you want to sing it to the top of your lungs! She's such a great singer, very talented. I remember hearing Chasing Pavements on the radio and thinking who is that! I googled her and got the song the same day, lol. Enjoy her new video!

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Thursday, February 17, 2011

Blue Sky Scrubs Review.

Most people don't like having to wear a uniform to work everyday. There is not much you can do with the look. However, thanks to Blue Sky Scrubs those who work in the medical field have plenty of options. Their scrubs are made using the highest quality fabric and are designed to be figure flattering. Best part of all their scrubs come in over ten different colors, from lilac to pink sorbet. If you don't like bright colors, no need to worry, they also have darker colors like crimson wine, eggplant and navy blue. Not only do they have scrubs sets but you can also purchase the top and bottom separately. 

To complete the look check out their stylish collection of scrub hats and caps. They come in different designs and colors. If you have long hair be sure to take a look at their pony collection designed to cover your pony tail. No more struggling trying to tuck your hair under your cap. Want more than a scrub hat to complete the look? They also have an accessories collection of earrings and lanyards.

If what you are looking is a white lab coat, look no further. Their lab coats are made out of wrinkle resistant cotton, Teflon coated for ultimate stain protection with large chest and hip pockets and extra pockets on the inside as well. To have easy access to your pants pockets the lab coats have slits on each side. It can't get more convenient than that.

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Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day - Feliz Día de San Valentín!

Although I don't celebrate Valentine's Day anymore I want to wish all of you who do celebrate it a great day. Be it with your family, husband/wife, boyfriend/girlfriend or friends. I hope you get lots of hugs, kisses and chocolate candies, yum! 

My day is starting not so great. There is no hot water and I have an important appointment I have to go to. So I'm not in the best of moods right now. I'm having why the hell I didn't washed my hair yesterday moments right now! However, I'm going to take a deep breath to try to stay calm and not panic! Since is the day of love and all, please send good luck vibes my way so my day gets better...♥♥

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Saturday, February 12, 2011

Maxine's Crabby Contest - Be A Hallmark Star!

Hallmark has another contest going on, Maxine's Crabby Contest. What do you need to do? Send in a picture of yourself or of someone you know dressed as Maxine. Add a caption or message to make a funny Birthday, Hang in there or Get well card. You could win $250 plus the chance to have your card sold in stores or online!

Reminder, it has to be a photo. No doodles, sketches or drawings. You could entered one card for each category. You could include a dog if you like. Check for more inspiration. Contest ends on Sunday, February 20. I love her cartoons! I have used them for my Sunday funnies a bunch of times. Good luck!

image credit: Hallmark Pin It Now!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Valentine's Day Special Project...

Early 20th century Valentine's Day card, showi...Image via WikipediaI know Valentine's Day is not until Monday but I saw this video on Plurk's timeline and I had to share it. Very nicely done. You get to see different types of couples, ten couples to be exact. Answering three questions about their relationships. Hope it can inspire a few of you to love your other half even more. Whether is a friend, boyfriend or husband. Happy Valentine's Day...♥♥

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Latina Magazine's Red Carpet Beauty Event!

Valentine's Day is around the corner and everyone wants to look bella/beautiful. Well, not everyone because I don't celebrate Valentine's Day. I do love the candies though, rico. If you want to be pampered and you live in the Houston Texas area then you are in luck! Latina Magazine is having a Red Carpet Beauty Event on Saturday, February 12, 2011 from 1PM-5PM at the Nordstrom's wing of the Houston Galleria. You and your friends can receive a complimentary hair and beauty makeover. How cool is that? You do have to make an appointment and they will be going fast. Click on the image to fill out your info if you want a little bit of pampering! Enjoy!

image credit: Latina Magazine

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Friday, February 4, 2011

Want To Be On HGTV?

image credit
I love HGTV, I can watch House Hunters for hours and I recently started watching Cash & Cari, love seeing all the things she finds. Another show I like is Selling New York. You get to see two million dollars apartments. Something I know I'm never going to see in person, lol. Unless I hit the lotto! 

If you have been dreaming about being on HGTV this is your opportunity to be a guest. They have plenty of opportunities for those who live in New York. Check the complete list below or visit their page!  

The shows below are seeking potential guests and information that may be used in a show. If the show you're interested in applying for is not listed, new episodes are not in production or the show is not soliciting viewers at this time. This list is updated frequently, so please check back.

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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Just My Damn Luck.

I've had the worse possible luck this week. On Monday morning my router burned out. I saw all the lights flashing like crazy but didn't think anything of it. So I unplugged it thinking it was the internet that had stopped working. Plugged it back and the damn thing was dead. Noooo! I thought don't panic, check it again. I refused to give up and kept trying different things (thanks to Google!) to check if it would work but nothing. So now I have to buy a new one. Things break at the worst possible time. When you are broke. I have been looking for something cheap and so far have found a few below $35. That is not necessarily cheap but is cheaper than $50, right? Whether I want to or not I need to get one.  

Also on Monday, yes it was an eventful day. The super came by to tell me I have two leaks, in the bathroom and bedroom. He thought he had fixed the one in the bathroom but it was still leaking. Yesterday, he finally found out what it was so he tells me I couldn't use the bathroom until he tells me, right. I said no problem. What happens? I start feeling really sick and I get a stomachache! Just my damn luck. I'm praying for the super to show up and say you can use it now. Nothing, he finished the job and never bothered to come up to say I'm finished. I was so pissed! I had to use it eventually but all I kept thinking was him coming over to check the damn bathroom while I was using it. OMG!

If that wasn't enough when he (super) came on Monday he closed the radiator half way (bedroom) but didn't tell me. I thought he was just looking at it. Three hours later I go in my bedroom and what do I find? The whole ceiling is covered in water dripping everywhere, all four walls of the bedroom! Now there are drip marks all over the walls, ugh. I'm still pissed about it. I cleaned most of it but I knew he was coming back so I decided to wait until he's done with everything to clean it completely. He's coming back today and I'm hoping it will be an easy job because I need go outside to run some errands. Well, depending on the weather of course. I don't have shoes to walk on icy sidewalks. I so do not want to fall like a plátano/plantain in the middle of the street. Imagínate que verguenza! 

As you can see it has been one hell of a week so far. I'm stressed out because there are other things going on also. Needless to say I'm not feeling too good. Stress turns into hunger and tension headaches. Not fun at all. If you have a bit of luck/prayers, please send some my way. I really need it...

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