I was looking for new memes to do for other days of the week. I found the Curious Cat meme. You copy and paste the questions on your blog and you can answer them either on your own blog or the meme's creator blog. Do make sure to leave a comment at Curious Cat blog to let the creator know your questions are up and to visit other participants. Follow the link if you would like to join the fun!
1) Share what you enjoy most about today's technology.
Being able to reach my kids within minutes.
Communicating with other people from other parts of the world through the internet.
2) Describe what you'd do with an extra four hours today.
Blog and clean.
3) Bedspread or comforter?
4) Show and Tell. What comes to mind first when you see this picture? Or, tell a story if it reminds you of one.
Winter is coming!
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