Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Wordless Wednesday - Are You Ready?

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Sunday, October 28, 2012

A Storm & Curious As A Cat Meme.
Are you ready for the storm? According to it's going to be a big one. I think it's too early to tell how bad it's going to hit New York City. However, it's better to be safe than sorry. We don't have to worry about flooding, but I went out to get a few things anyway. I was going to leave the grocery shopping for yesterday, but ended up going on Friday night. I'm glad I did because the aisles were looking a bit empty already. They were running out of bread and milk. I bought a few extra cans of milk. We drink a lot of milk in this house!

I have been doing laundry all day so I don't have to worry about running out of clean clothes. We don't have a dryer so my apartment looks like a bomb exploded with clothes hanging everywhere, lol. Someone else would say Ay, Dios mío que reguerete/Oh my God, what a mess!, but I don't mind. Anything not to have to go to a laundromat, right?

I also have my velas/candles ready in case of a power outage. I forgot to get some batteries, but I don't expect to need any. We are lucky that in all the years we have been living here, we've never had a power outage. Ok, I probably just jinxed it.Photobucket

This is the latest update from During times like these is when I miss not having this channel. I would be glued to it 24/7! Stay up to date with what's going on. Check if the MTA is going to suspend some of the service. You don't want to be stranded somewhere. Keeping my fingers crossed for those who live in low areas. Stay safe, mi gente!

I'm very late with my Monday Curious as a Cat meme, but the blogger mentioned we don't have to do it on Mondays only. So here are my answers. If you would like to participate, follow the link.

1) Who is your celebrity crush? Why?

 Andrew Lincoln - Rick Grimes from The Walking Dead. He's so hot looking and rugged.

2) Have you ever been the victim of a crime?

Yes. My apartment was broken into when I was giving birth to one of my children. I was molested when I was young, have been harassed, threatened, stalked and a few other things.

3) Who is your greatest hero of all time?

Joan of Arc is one of them.

4) Show and Tell. What comes to mind first when you see this picture? Or, tell a story if it reminds you of one.

So many different shape and sizes, yet they fit perfectly.

Public Domain Photo

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Thursday, October 18, 2012

He Did It!

Splash News Online
Well, it happened. According to, he took her back! You remember the whole cheating scandal with Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson and the married director. As you can see in the photo, she is all over him. I mean, who wouldn't? However, I would have waited a bit longer before I started acting like that in public. Of course, I don't know if he too acts that way when no one is around, but this photo makes her look clingy.

It can't be easy for him having the world knowing his business. Him knowing that some people, and even some of his friends think he's stupid for taking her back. Being followed everywhere by paps like rabid dogs for that photo of the first signs of trouble.

Time will tell whether they will survive and the wounds will heal, or if he gives up and dumps her. As they say, once a cheater always a cheater. Personally, I don't believe that's the case with everyone. Who knows, maybe their relationship is in the small percentage of those who survive after cheating happens. Look at Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton.

What do you think?

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Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Wordless Wednesday - Empire State Building

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Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Random Thoughts Tuesday Rebel & Curious Cat Memes

PhotobucketDusting off my blog, cough, cough. It feels like it was a month ago the last time I posted, but it has been a week and three days only. I was busy with life last week, going to appointments and running errands.

One of the appointments was a waste of time and money. They made me wait so long, I ended up rescheduling the appointment. It's not fun having to wait almost two hours after drinking four cups of water. I realize I could have drank four more cups of water, but I knew the same thing was going to happen again because there were about 15 people waiting. I was not happy having to reschedule as I wanted to get it over with.Photobucket

I'm adding another meme to my list. I've seen it at Confessions of a Psychotic Housewife for some time, so I thought I would join the fun. If you would like to participate click on the image.

This past weekend was a semi quiet one, thank God! Don't know if the landlord had something to do with it or the asshole decided to take a break from being an ass. We will find out next week.

Friday night I made beef stew to eat during the weekend. I was so happy I had a break from having to cook a full meal for two days! Tonight is Alfredo chicken fettuccini, yum! One of our favorites. I'll share the recipe soon.  

If you are a fan of The Walking Dead, you probably know Netflix added the second season to streaming. I have been dying to see it, but put it off because I was waiting for my daughter to watch it together. Last night, she decided she was going to watch it on her computer. I was not happy! I will watch it by myself later today. Next time, I won't bother.

If you live in NY, and you have the same cable service as me you will know that the CW channel was taken off  air since August. I didn't find that out until recently when I went to set up my dvr to record Supernatural and 90210. I'm so pissed! The cable company didn't bother to send out emails or put an announcement on their site about it. They put an announcement on the channel, I never saw it. They don't bother to update customers if they are trying to work on some type of agreement to bring it back. Yet they charge customers to be able to see the channel. No credit will be given either. Greedy bastards! 

I had to sign up for Hulu Plus to be able to watch the CW shows on TV. Thank God for my son's PS3. I know I can watch it on, but they give so much commercials is like watching regular TV. My computer reboots when I'm watching videos or movies, so I don't have time to wait for the damn commercials. I wonder if Hulu has seen an increase of subscribers because of this.

Tomorrow I'm going to order a new power supply after waiting for so long! So excited about that. Hopefully I won't have any problems with the installation and it will boot up without a problem. I'm crossing my fingers that this will take care of my computer rebooting and freezing problems. If not, it's time to replace the motherboard and get a new case. Something I can't do right now because we are on a tight budget. Wish me luck!

If it wasn't for the internet I wouldn't have been able to take care of my computer problems. I can find how to videos, reviews and ask for help on forums. Thanks to all the people who take the time to post to help out a newbie!

I received a goodie on the mail today! It made my day. A review and a giveaway from Mary Kay is coming up soon.Photobucket

Now on to my Curious as a Cat meme. If you would like to participate follow the link.

 1) If you could eat only one meal the rest of your life, what would it be?

Chicken en escabeche!

2) Name one thing you wish you could go back and change about your education.


3 Do you or did you ever smoke?

Socially, when I went out with my friends or I was having a I'm a rebel day, lol. It wasn't for a long time. My son asked me to stop and that's all it took.

4) Show and Tell. What comes to mind first when you see this picture? Or, tell a story if it reminds you of one.

Whoever lost this bunny must be very sad they can't cuddle with it anymore.

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Friday, October 5, 2012

Mi Vida & Late Friday Fill-Ins

Can't believe is October already, but I'm so happy summer is over. No more walking around drenched in sweat, yay! Halloween is around the corner and the stores are full of costumes. It makes me wish my kids were still small sometimes so we can go trick or treating. I have even been looking at Haunted Houses, lol. Reading reviews of some of the ones they have in the city. The prices though, ouch! If you go during the week they charge around $5 less. According to the reviews though, they are not worth the money. My daughter was invited to one, but she's not sure if she's going yet. I'm more excited than her! Have you ever been to one?

Tomorrow I have a therapist's appointment and I have to do some errands. We might end up going to the city, depends on the weather and my kids mood. I don't want to be here to hear the loud music from the jerk downstairs. I have taken the steps to try to resolve this problem, but obviously it was ignored, since the music just started getting louder downstairs. Yes, it's 10:53PM and the music just started blaring downstairs. If while you are praying you have some time to send a prayer for us, please do. It would be greatly appreciated. For those of you planning on moving, make sure this type of behavior is not accepted before you move in. That you have it in writing. It's hell having to live like this.

Anyway, here are my Friday Fill-Ins. I know it's are very late, but it's only 8:58 PM in California.Photobucket 
If you would like to participate, follow the link or click on the image. Happy weekend to everyone!  

1. I said wait until later.
2. A cup of coffee is what I'm craving right now.
3. I was thinking about what to make for dinner tonight.
4. I beg you to go with me, will you?
5. We should have stayed longer.
6. I have to do grocery shopping whether I want to or not!
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to watching Fringe, tomorrow my plans include running errands and Sunday, I want to hopefully have a quiet day!

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Tuesday, October 2, 2012

He's So Hot!

Sharing this video, it gave me a good laugh. Ellen Degeneres had Liam Neeson strip to his undies in support of Breast Cancer Research. One of the audience member was selected to participate. She was so excited, lol. Very nice of him to do this. I wish that I had seen the whole episode. I am a fan of Liam Neeson. I find him to be so HOT and such a great actor. One of his movies, The Grey is streaming on Netflix. Great movie... Enjoy!♥

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Monday, October 1, 2012

Essie's Fall Collection Skirting The Issue!

Yay! I received another nail polish from Essie through Klout. I received Skirting The Issue Color from their Fall Collection. I love love the color! This is one of my favorite colors, so I was extremely happy when I opened the box. The color is a burgundy wine. Very Fall/Fierce/Halloweeny, just how I like it!

I took these pictures in front of my window because I wanted to use the outside light. The color looks more reddish as you can see, but if you look at my pinky finger on the left picture, you can see it looks a lot darker. I have three coats on, plus a top coat of Seche Vite. You can use two coats if you like because it has good pigmentation. I had to wash my hair the next day, so both of my index fingernails were chipped on the corners right after. I was not happy about that.Photobucket

Maybe three coats were too much, plus the Seche Vite is a bit thick. That might have been one of the reason that it chipped. I'm going to try another top coat soon to see if that makes a difference. I have been looking at reviews on YouTube, but I haven't decided yet. I'll post about it when I do.

Anyway, I'm in love with this color. I'm going to do my nails again and this time I'm doing my toe nails as well!

Join Klout if you would like to try new products for free. Keep in mind that you will get perks depending on your Klout and topics.

Note: I received this product through Klout as part of being an influential member with the score of 43 with beauty as one of my topics.

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