Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Two Movies I Have Recently Seen.

Have you ever seen a movie that it stays with you for a while? I saw The Fourth Kind two days ago and I haven't been able to get it out of mind. It was creepy, not so much scary. Just makes you think, you know. Well, let me not lie, I was a bit scared of closing my eyes when I went to sleep, lol. I liked the movie plus I am a huge fan of Milla, the movie was different that's for sure. My son found it interesting also we both are into that type of stuff, lol. Not everyone might like the style of the movie though. I'm not going to give up anything in case some of you haven't seen it!

I also saw New Moon, I was a bit dissapointed. I blogged about Twilight, I really thought New Moon would be a lot better. I don't know, maybe is just me but Kristen and Robert at times they were a bit stiff when they were together in some scenes. I haven't read the books, don't know if that has to do with it. Yes, I know the books are supposed to be for 15 years old, lol. I am a huge fan of Dakota Fanning, it was dissapointing her scenes weren't longer. It would have make the movie more interesting. Like I said on my post about Twilight, I expected the wolf effects to be a lot better since this time they had a bigger budget but that wasn't the case. Yes, I am being picky but in my opinion a movie that made some much money the effects should have been a lot better. I am going to see it a second time to see if I enjoy it more. Sometimes you have to see a movie twice. You tend to notice things you didn't noticed the first time. Below is the trailer for The Twilight Saga: Eclipse, you can see on HD!♥  

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Sunday, March 28, 2010

Have a laugh!

I stole Sunday Funnies from New York Chica, is always good to have a head back, face hurting laugh especially on a Sunday! I'm doing laundry and for dinner is leftovers from yesterday! Nothing better than that! Enjoy your evening, mi gente...♥  

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Saturday, March 27, 2010

Earth Hour & PhotoHunt!

Today is Earth Hour at 8:30PM, mi gente! Who is going to turn out the lights tonight for an hour to show your support? I know I am, we did it last year. We put 3 candles on our dinning table while we had dinner. You can show your support using Twitter by installing an application that will automatically turn the lights off on your Twitter profile picture for Earth Hour. It will tweet that you are supporting Earth Hour and another Tweet when Earth Hour has started. Come on support Earth Hour!♥♥

It's Saturday and is time for PhotoHunt. This week's theme is Fresh. I took this picture not too long ago while drinking my morning fresh cup of coffee. There is something about that first cup of coffee, is delicious. Makes me feel cozy and relaxed even if it is until the effect wears off, lol. If you would like to participate follow the link. Happy Saturday everyone!

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Friday, March 26, 2010

DSi XL Launch Party at Nintendo World!

On Sunday March 28 the Nintendo World store will throw a party for the release of the DSi XL. Buy yours on the same day at Nintendo World and receive a free gift (while supplies last). The DSi XL has two screens that are 93% bigger than the DS Lite system, three pre-installed titles, built in software and a large stylus for easy use. Never been to the store but from what I can see on their site looks like a nice place to take your kids to. Well, if you don't mind spending some cash of course! 
Nintendo World Store is the flagship specialty store of video game corporation Nintendo. Located in New York City at Rockefeller Center, the two-story, 10,000 square feet (930 m2) store opened on May 14, 2005.[1]
The store sells a wide variety of Nintendo video games and merchandise, including apparel, hardware, and accessories that are exclusive to the store, such as Japanese Mario character plushies. The store includes Wii, Nintendo DS, and Pokémon sections. It replaced the Pokémon Center that originally stood in the building, which has since been moved to a subsection of the store.[1] The store features the Nintendo DS Lite Circle and Multiplayer Wall, which use wireless technology to link up fellow gamers.[citation needed] Upstairs, there are kiosks with various Wii games playing, allowing anyone to play.
The Nintendo World Store regularly holds tournaments and shows for new games, giving early releases and prizes to winners. Wikipedia

The location: 10 Rockefeller Plaza 
                     New York, NY 10020
                     (48th Street between 5th and 6th Avenue)

image credit: Wikipedia
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Sandra Bullock.

I wrote about Sandra Bullock's marriage problems not too long ago. As most of you know turns out he didn't cheated once but as of now he cheated with two or three other women and no surprise they all look alike. What a douche. After the latest women I think there is no doubt what kind of guy he is. I read they met with divorce lawyers but nothing has been filed. 

Personally, I wouldn't stay in the marriage but every person is different. Like Tiger Wood's wife, why she stayed I have no idea. One woman "could" maybe be forgiven but two, three and then strippers, porn stars. No way. Tiger blames it on the fact that he stopped following his religion, blah, blah, bullshit. Let's see on what Sandra Bullock's husband is going to blame it on. I hope she has a strong support system because she's going to need it. Stay strong, Mama. Your fans adore you...♥♥

image credit: reuters       Pin It Now!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Marshalls Opens Two Mega Shoes Stores.

I love Marshalls, I have two stores close by so we go often. Even if we don't get anything we just like to browse to see the possibilities for next time, lol. Marshalls is expanding again and today they opened two new stores. Here are the new locations:

Arcadian Shopping Center      Edgewater Commons
22 Rockledge Avenue             477 River Road                                     
Ossining, NY 10562                Edgewater, NJ 07020

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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

A Year Ago!

Today is my Blogaversary! It's hard to believe a year ago I started this blog. It doesn't feel like it has been that long though. My first post, things have change since then and it has been hard but what doesn't kill us makes us stronger. Pa'lante like we say in Puerto Rico.

When I first thought about starting a blog I kept going back and forth because I'm a very private person. I thought since I wasn't going to blog about our lives in detail that it would be boring and very limiting. Then Jai from Mami's Time Out who already had a blog told me that I didn't have to blog about our lives only. That I could blog about anything I found interesting, beauty, products, music, etc. Thanks to her and New York Chica I took the jump and started a blog! I have met many nice people through blogging and even though we have never met in person I feel like I have in someways thanks to the magic of the virtual world...

As you can see I haven't been blogging everyday like I used to. Haven't been feeling well but once I get out of whatever is going on with my system I'll get back to blogging more often. For now I am glad I have been able to keep up with my blog for so long. Here is to many more posts and to hopefully one day meet other bloggers in person!♥♥

image credit: selva         Pin It Now!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Life & PhotoHunt.

I hope everyone enjoyed the first day of Spring! I stayed in relaxing and enjoying the day. My daughter went out with a friend so it was my son and me. He was playing video games and I was catching up with Blogs, emails, etc. I turned on my speakers to 80's, 90's music all day. I'm still am, right now Secret by Madonna is playing. The memories! Listening to music while I'm blogging makes me feel better, gets me in a good mood and I don't worry about what I'm posting as much. 
I expected the streets to be rowdy but they weren't and I am so happy! Then again the night is young so anything can happen, let me not jinx it. I'm making something simple for dinner (hero sandwiches) and after we are going to see the movie Taken. Heard it was good! Talking about movies I'm looking forward to seeing New Moon and The Fourth Kind! Hopefully I will get them by Wednesday. Can't help it I am a movie addict. I have to write a post about the recent movies I have seen...

Ok, on to my PhotoHunt, haven't done this meme in a long time. Today's theme is Three. The picture I'm using was taken by my daughter in Manhattan. You can see the three tall trees in the background. I love this picture! If you want to join follow the link. Happy Saturday!♥♥    

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Friday, March 19, 2010

Life & Celebrities.

This week flew by! So glad is Friday though, I didn't go out today but I went out yesterday and I'm happy to say I enjoyed the sun even though I was sweating! Beautiful blue skies with a few clouds. Wish I had a camera, looked beautiful. The only one we have my daughter always has it because she loves taking pictures too. We went close to my old neighborhood. Last time we were there was last year around October! Looks the same, wish I still lived around there. It's so different from where we live now. We didn't stayed long because the heat got to me but it was nice the change of scenery and best of all we were able to get one of my favorite treats, Cinnabons! Nothing like a sweet treat to make you feel better, he, he.

Ok, so by now all of you know Sandra Bullock's story and her marriage. When it first came out they were dating I thought they were a weird couple. I didn't think he was the right guy for her but then again who the fuck am I right? I don't know the guy so I was happy her marriage was doing well. Then bam, the news broke out. I thought what the hell? I really didn't expect the whole cheating thing and with a stripper but shit that seems to be the style these days. Funny thing is that he went to court to get full custody of his daughter because of his ex-wife life style right. Then he goes cheats on his wife and with a stripper! What a hypocrite. Seems like he wanted to get caught. I mean seriously by now you should know better not to cheat because it will come out eventually. Hello, Tiger, Edwards, Jude Law, I can go on and on. My opinion, she should dump his ass. She is at the height of her career she doesn't need to be worrying whether he's going to do it again, the fact that he slept with a woman like that. I mean have you seen her, yuck! Then she's telling the world everything, the fact that he didn't even used a condom. Mama you can do 3 times better than this douche. Hang in there...♥♥

Update: This post was set up to post automatically and it didn't so is a day late. Pin It Now!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

No Rain Today?

Looks nice out so I'm going out to run errands.  Have prescriptions that need to be picked up, mail some things, pass by the 99 cents store and catch some sun that I'm in need of.  My doctor said so!  She even prescribed me pills for it.  I'm turning into a vampire, lol.

Today is going to be a noisy day I can tell.  Firetrucks/police passing by, cars with their booming music, doors being slammed and people hollering like they live in Alaska and this is the first time they have seen the sun in months!   

Woohoo, I just received a package from Latina Magazine and turns out I won one of the sweepstakes!  I won Antonio Banderas Cologne Black.  I love it!  My son now has a cologne, he's not into cologne, hopefully he will like them now.  This is the second time I win something with them.  First time was a lipstick from Mary Kay.  Talking about Latina Magazine, I renewed my subscription and I thought I wasn't going to get the one with Jennifer Lopez but I received the one with her and the next one!  Very nice of them to send both.  Thank you Latina for the nice surprise!

I received my Census yesterday.  I have been reading it and I'm surprise they ask you for your telephone number.  I feel weird about that, I mean it says they need it in case they don't understand an answer.  How can they confuse an x?  Wonder how many people are going to mail them this year.  Am I the only one that feels weird about them asking for your telephone number?   If you have questions about the Census you can go here.

Hope everyone is enjoying their day...♥♥     Pin It Now!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Random Thoughts...

Sorry I haven't been around lately.  Haven't been in a blogging mood no matter how hard I try.  Right now I'm listening to music to see if I can get out of the rotten mood I'm in.  Want to warn you that this post will have lots of cursing so if you get offended please stop right here.  

Over the weekend I took a break from the computer so today I have been trying to catch up with Blogs, Twitter, Plurk, Facebook and emails.  Twitter has been acting up so I gave up on trying to catch up.  Can't imagine all the people who have over 300 followers!  How the fuck do they keep up.  I have no idea... 

We finally saw the movie 2012 and it was EPIC!  Fuck, it was scary as hell but I loved it.  It had a great story, good actors, no corny lines, no idiots trying to be funny.  Great fucking effects!  I found myself yelling OMG, Oh Shit many many times.  LOL  Enjoyed the ending too.  Other movies leave you hanging but not this one.  I really enjoyed it!

Although I'm enjoying the weather I'm not enjoying the fact that all the ghetto people are en todo su apogeo/in full swing in the streets.  I so hate Spring and Summer because of it.  It gets me moody, anxious, depressed and angry.  I want to stick my head out of the window and tell them to go fuck around inside their apartment not in front of the building.  I sleep with eye open because I expect something to happen every night.  I'm sure it has to do where I used to live before but that's another story.

I have no idea what to cook for dinner today.  So not a Monday person!  Then we have one hour less of sleep, the horror!  If it wasn't because the cable box changed automatically I wouldn't have known.  Woke up like a zombie this morning, shit I still feel like one!  What to cook, que jodienda.  Going to run to the supermarket and pick up some things.  Enjoy your evening everyone...♥♥            Pin It Now!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Were You Born in Puerto Rico? - ¿Nacistes en Puerto Rico?

As a Puerto Rican I wanted to spread the word about the important law that was passed December 2009 about Puerto Rican's birth certificates.  After July 1 if you were born in Puerto Rico you will need to get a new birth certificate because it will no longer be valid.  The reason this law was passed is to avoid identity theft.  Puerto Ricans birth certificates can be sold up $10,000 in the black market.  
"The objective of this law is it will invalidate the old birth certificates so that they will lose their value on the black market," said Luis Balzac of the office of Puerto Rico's governor. By Dean Meminger, NY1
Puerto Rico's legislature passed the law after raids last March broke up a criminal ring that had stolen thousands of birth certificates and other identifying documents from several different schools in Puerto Rico. By Suzanne Gamboa, Associated Press Writer  
McClintock said a news conference held in Puerto Rico in December did not draw national media attention he hoped would spread the word. He noted there is no deadline for getting a new birth certificate. After July 1, the government will issue a temporary, 15-day certificate for those who need a birth certificate in an emergency.


 All birth certificates issued in Puerto Rico will be invali­dated after July 1, 2010.

The Vital Statistics Record Office will not issue new birth certificates until after July 1, 2010.
New birth certificates issued after July 1 will cost $5. Vet­erans and people over 60 are exempt from the fee.
Everyone born in Puerto Rico is affected. However, The July 1 deadline does not mean every Puerto Rican-born per­son needs to apply for a new birth certificate right away: Of­ficials are urging Puerto Rican-born people to wait to file an application unless they need the document for an urgent need such as a passport application or for hiring purposes.
Application forms for new birth certificates will be made available on the Puerto Rico Vital Statistics Record office Web site. The agency’s Web address is
In addition to a completed application, residents should be prepared to supply a photo copy of a government-issued photo identification; a $5 money order made out to the Puerto Rico Secretary of the Treasury; and a self-addressed stamped envelope.
Source: Connecticut Latino and Puerto Rican Affairs Commission
I realize this will cause a lot of problems to Puerto Ricans who live in the United States but if it protects the identity of millions why not. When I first heard about it because I was raised in Puerto Rico I thought this law applied to me too because I tend to forget I was born here and not in Puerto Rico! I am adding some links where you can go and read in details about the new law and how and when you can get a new birth certificate...♥♥

Confusion over new Puerto Rican law - Republican American
Shock over voided Puerto Rican birth certificates - The Washington Post
Puerto Rican-Born New Yorkers Have To Get New Birth Certificates - NY1

Nota: Si deseas traducir este post en Español usa el tranductor de google en el sidebar.

image credit: themechanism Pin It Now!

Monday, March 8, 2010


Over the weekend I was watching my son playing a video game that had many mountains and that made me remember when I was a teenager living in Puerto Rico.  My grandfather would say vamos a cojer cangrejos/lets catch crabs.  This would be at night, 10:30 or so.  Everyone would run to the car, my aunts, my cousins and my grandmother.  Yep the car would be full!  We would drive close to the beach where there were no lights and the roads were very dark.  My grandfather would drive at 5 mph so we could see the crabs passing by.  We wanted to catch them alive not in pieces! 

Meanwhile, I was in the backseat sitting right next to window scared shitless because all I could see was darkness.  No matter how hard I looked there was nothing, lol.  All I could think was someone coming with a machete, breaking the window and chopping off my head, lol.  All of a sudden my aunt would yell mira uno/look there is one!  I felt like someone dropped a bucket of cold water on me!  Mi abuelo/my grandfather would stop right away, him and my aunt would get off grab an empty sack of potatoes with two flashlights.  Then to run off after the crab!  I was scared but at the same time it was fun! LOL  

The rest of us would stay in the car, yelling agarralo, agarralo/grab it, grab it!  We would do the same thing until we had five or six crabs.  Then off to pass by the panadería/bakery to buy bread right out of the oven.  Get home and while mi abuela would prepare the pan with mantequilla/bread with butter and coffee (how I miss those late nights) for everyone, my grandfather would put the crabs in the yard inside a bucket with water to cook them the next day.  My abuela would do all the cooking and my aunts and me would take care of the crabs after they were cooked.  Mmmm, que rico!  That was a typical Friday night for us in Puerto Rico.  Simple but we enjoyed ourselves, how times have change...♥♥

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Monday, March 1, 2010

Snow Day.

I know I am late with this post but not having a computer of my own totally sucks.  I have to wait until mis hijos are not using it or waiting to use it so I can sit and concentrate.  Anyway we enjoyed our snow day, stayed in catching up with recordings, watching movies and the kids playing video games.  Listening to the sound of the wind blowing was soothing! 

It was quiet until around 4:30 P.M. when all hell broke out in the street.  A teenage girl started arguing with a teenage boy.  The boy was trying to get away but she wouldn't let him.  Her friend was behind her with a golf club (yes, you read that right!) while someone got the boy a bat!  She kept yelling while trying to call someone on her cell, then I guess they started fighting because I could hear some adults yelling get in there and stop them.  I was looking from my window and all I think of was please God don't let them start fighting.  The fact that some people started yelling to stop them shows that some people still have a good head on their shoulders!  There is still hope, humans!  We are not doomed yet...

Here are two pictures I took from the window on Friday night very early.  I couldn't sleep so I kept looking out the window to see how much it was snowing, lol.♥♥

Snow 2010
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