One of the appointments was a waste of time and money. They made me wait so long, I ended up rescheduling the appointment. It's not fun having to wait almost two hours after drinking four cups of water. I realize I could have drank four more cups of water, but I knew the same thing was going to happen again because there were about 15 people waiting. I was not happy having to reschedule as I wanted to get it over with.

I'm adding another meme to my list. I've seen it at Confessions of a Psychotic Housewife for some time, so I thought I would join the fun. If you would like to participate click on the image.
This past weekend was a semi quiet one, thank God! Don't know if the landlord had something to do with it or the asshole decided to take a break from being an ass. We will find out next week.
Friday night I made beef stew to eat during the weekend. I was so happy I had a break from having to cook a full meal for two days! Tonight is Alfredo chicken fettuccini, yum! One of our favorites. I'll share the recipe soon.
Friday night I made beef stew to eat during the weekend. I was so happy I had a break from having to cook a full meal for two days! Tonight is Alfredo chicken fettuccini, yum! One of our favorites. I'll share the recipe soon.
If you are a fan of The Walking Dead, you probably know Netflix added the second season to streaming. I have been dying to see it, but put it off because I was waiting for my daughter to watch it together. Last night, she decided she was going to watch it on her computer. I was not happy! I will watch it by myself later today. Next time, I won't bother.
If you live in NY, and you have the same cable service as me you will know that the CW channel was taken off air since August. I didn't find that out until recently when I went to set up my dvr to record Supernatural and 90210. I'm so pissed! The cable company didn't bother to send out emails or put an announcement on their site about it. They put an announcement on the channel, I never saw it. They don't bother to update customers if they are trying to work on some type of agreement to bring it back. Yet they charge customers to be able to see the channel. No credit will be given either. Greedy bastards!
I had to sign up for Hulu Plus to be able to watch the CW shows on TV. Thank God for my son's PS3. I know I can watch it on CWTV.com, but they give so much commercials is like watching regular TV. My computer reboots when I'm watching videos or movies, so I don't have time to wait for the damn commercials. I wonder if Hulu has seen an increase of subscribers because of this.
Tomorrow I'm going to order a new power supply after waiting for so long! So excited about that. Hopefully I won't have any problems with the installation and it will boot up without a problem. I'm crossing my fingers that this will take care of my computer rebooting and freezing problems. If not, it's time to replace the motherboard and get a new case. Something I can't do right now because we are on a tight budget. Wish me luck!
If it wasn't for the internet I wouldn't have been able to take care of my computer problems. I can find how to videos, reviews and ask for help on forums. Thanks to all the people who take the time to post to help out a newbie!
I received a goodie on the mail today! It made my day. A review and a giveaway from Mary Kay is coming up soon.
Now on to my Curious as a Cat meme. If you would like to participate follow the link.
1) If you could eat only one meal the rest of your life, what would it be?
Chicken en escabeche!
2) Name one thing you wish you could go back and change about your education.
3 Do you or did you ever smoke?
Socially, when I went out with my friends or I was having a I'm a rebel day, lol. It wasn't for a long time. My son asked me to stop and that's all it took.
4) Show and Tell. What comes to mind first when you see this picture? Or, tell a story if it reminds you of one.

Now on to my Curious as a Cat meme. If you would like to participate follow the link.

1) If you could eat only one meal the rest of your life, what would it be?
Chicken en escabeche!
2) Name one thing you wish you could go back and change about your education.
3 Do you or did you ever smoke?
Socially, when I went out with my friends or I was having a I'm a rebel day, lol. It wasn't for a long time. My son asked me to stop and that's all it took.
4) Show and Tell. What comes to mind first when you see this picture? Or, tell a story if it reminds you of one.