Saturday, January 29, 2011

No Pleaseee! & PhotoHunt.

I woke up with a sore throat because I sleep with a fan on. Yes, I know is winter but I do it to cover the sound from outside and because when the heat comes up it gets extremely hot. I took a Nyquil to see if it will go away. Seems ok for now but I have a slight headache, not a good sign. So far I have managed not to get a cold even though my son and daughter had one. I'm a hugger when it comes to my kids but when they are sick I stay away. I mean, I still take care of them but from far away, lol. I feel guilty but I'll deal with the guilt instead of a cold anytime! Wish me luck...

Ok, on to my PhotoHunt. This week's theme is standing. I took this picture when we went to Ripley's Believe It or Not last year. This is an albino giraffe, one of three found in Zimbabwe, Africa. We are used to giraffes having spots. Looks weird doesn't it? 

If you would like to be a photohunter like me click on the link or the chicklet. Happy Saturday!♥♥


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Monday, January 24, 2011

Disappointed - Medium Series Finale.

I finally saw Medium's series finale episode. I have to say I was very disappointed with the ending. If you haven't seen it then stop reading so I don't spoil it for you. At the beginning of the episode I was already pissed that they had killed Joe. In the middle I was yelling yes, yes, finally! - when she found him. Then everything turned out to be a fucking dream! He was indeed dead. How messed up is that? Why would they kill him? Her husband and one of the main characters of the show. Especially when the show was based on a real life person and she's very much alive and so is her husband! He was her rock, her other half and she ends up spending her lifetime without him. Their marriage was one of the best on TV. Not the ending I wanted for her.   

The only parts I liked was seeing the future of their daughters, Allison finally being able to hug Joe and the actors bit at the end. The rest I didn't like and I'm sure I'm not the only one. Even my son agrees with me!

Another thing, they could have done a better job with some of the scenes. The airplane and the court scenes looked fake. You would think that since it was the last episode they would've taken the time to make it look believable but not CBS. They left Ghost Whisperer hanging and canceled Moonlight out of the blue. Pendejos, yes I'm still holding a grudge over Moonlight. Now that they canceled Medium I won't be watching CBS anymore. 

I will miss seeing Allison, Joe and their daughters every week that's for sure. They are all great actors and they have a great future ahead of them. Can't wait to see them on whatever they do next!♥♥ 
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Sunday, January 23, 2011

Are You A Dancer?

Are you a dancer or know someone who is a dancer living in Miami or close by? Ricky Martin is looking for dancers to join him in his world tour "Music + Soul + Sex"! He had auditions in Puerto Rico and now they are continuing their search in Miami. Wish I was a dancer, that was my dream growing up. Then I got married and had kids, lol. 

Anyway here are the details. Good luck to those auditioning!!

WHEN: Tuesday January 25, 2011
TIME: 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
PLACE: PEACHES SCHOOL OF DANCE2018 NE 155th St. North Miami Beach, FL 33162


A minimum of two years experience. Must have skills in the disciplines of Jazz, Hip-Hop, Salsa, Tango, Samba, Classical Ballet, Modern Dance and Flamenco, among others.

Those interested should submit resume, photos of face and body.

For more information please contact:
Anibal Marrero Tania 305 772 3836 or 305 519 056 Mamery

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A WTF Dream & Sunday Funnies.

This morning I woke up with a headache. I think I either had a headache because of the way my head was or because of the dream I had. My dream, I was sitting somewhere reading a book and Jennifer Lopez came up to me and shot me in the head! Yes, you read that right. She shot me in the head while standing in front of me. For some reason I was still alive and I wasn't bleeding much. I could feel pain and I was trying to find the hole but I couldn't. I looked at her and she looked like she was in a trance or something so I pulled her towards me and hugged her telling her it's ok, lol. WTF? 

The police came and they were looking for the bullet hole in the wall to find the bullet to match to her gun, lol. They find the bullet and is a bullet they had never seen before. The dream turned into a scene from V. Where I was impregnated with a child but the child was an alien! I remember thinking so this is why she shot me. I was in going into labor and the pain was horrible! I was in some sort a spaceship hospital giving birth screaming like something my tearing up my insides. Then I woke up. Had a headache and a WTF look on my face, lol. Seriously the shit that goes on on our subconscious mind. The last thing I did last night was watch TV, was watching House Hunters. Totally not related, lol. One thing I'm glad of, my headache went away. If not I would be cursing Jennifer Lopez right now, lol.

Hope everyone is enjoying their Sunday. Me, I'm listening to Journey's Don't Stop Believing on AOL's radio Awesome 80's even though I hate using it because they have too much commercials. Pandora is winning me over little by little. I'm having Me time for a little bit while my son takes a shower and daughter is out visiting a friend. Trying to enjoy my Sunday as much as I can because I'm not feeling well. Wishing today was Friday instead of Sunday, bleh.

Ok, on to my Sunday's funnies. Enjoy!♥♥


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Friday, January 21, 2011

Medium Series Finale & The Vampire Diaries New Poster!

I had no idea that Medium was canceled until last week! Imagine my surprise when they said tonight is the series finale. WTF? I hope they give it a good ending not gives us the shitty ending they gave to Ghost Whisperer

I'm going to miss the show. I watch it con mis hijos/my children every week. I really love the relationship between Allison and Joe. It was a treat to see them every week. So long Medium you will be missed!♥♥

Here is the new poster for The Vampire Diaries. Looks hot doesn't it? The new episodes start next week and I can't wait! I know, I'm kinda old to watch this show but I don't give a shit, lol. I like it, period. It has a good story and good characters. The acting is good and is not all about sexed up teenagers. Something I thought when I first saw the trailers before the show aired for the first time. My daughter thought the same thing and now she loves it. 

She also likes Nikita but I can't get into it for some reason. Have tried many times because my daughter wants me to watch it with her but I just can't. My mind starts to wonder or I fall asleep, lol. Am I the only one?

image credit: CW and MyLot

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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Madonna's 16 Months Calendar.

icon of Madonna, source picture taken in Septe...Image via WikipediaIf you love calendars like I do and you are a fan of Madonna like me! Then you will be happy to know that Madonna's 16 months calendar is available at her store. It has black and white photos from throughout her career and from her recent collaboration with Dolce & Gabbana. They have it in US, Europe and bilingual edition. Price was deducted from $14.95 to $9.95! How cool is that? You get to have Madonna on your wall every month! 
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Sunday, January 16, 2011

New Ricky Martin Video!

If you are a Ricky Martin fan like me then you are going to love this video. It's in Spanish though, sorry about that. You can still appreciate how well the video was made though. I love everything about it! A song with a great message. Me encanta/Love it! Sigue pa'lante Ricky con mucho orgullo!!Photobucket

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Saturday, January 15, 2011

Mother & Daughter Date.

On Thursday I went out with my daughter even though at first she didn't wanted to go. I sort of forced her and we ended up having a great time. My son stayed home because he was/still sick with a cold. First we went to my doctor's appointment. Once we finished there we walked around the mall doing some window shopping. That's all we can do right now, lol. 

I had given her a Macy's $50 gift card I won. We went to Macy's to the Clinique counter, she had ran out of foundation weeks ago so this was a treat for her. The make up specialist asked her questions about her skin to find out what is her skin type. Then she did some tests on her to choose the best color for her. She was feeling like a star! We were even invited to an event for next week but I'm not sure if my daughter is going. I told her she could go with one of her friends. She liked the idea but who knows. She left there feeling like a star and I was happy to see her happy. 

After we went to Burger King to eat dinner. I had been craving a damn whopper for weeks! Blame it on commercials and the fact that I don't even remember the last time I went to Burger King, lol. We sat there for at least three or four hours talking. Something I could tell she really needed and so did I! My daughter tends not to talk to me about personal things often. But for some reason when we are outside she talks to me/us for hours. Tells me every thing there is. I think it has to do with the fact that at home she has the computer where she talks to her friends a lot. They take up her time you can say. 

Anyway, we ended up having a great mother and daughter date. In the end we skipped going to Target because it was extremely cold and she couldn't take it legs were killing me! Got home, I watched house hunters until I fell asleep. Didn't even took off my make up, I know a big no no. Especially when you are old like me, lol. Kidding!Photobucket

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Friday, January 14, 2011

Tabasco Original Red - A Must Have!

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of TABASCO® Original Red. All opinions are 100% mine.

There are certain things that are a must have in my home. One of them is a bottle of TABASCO® Original Red. As a Latino family we like our food to be spicy most of the time. We use it with on omelets, quesadillas, yellow rice with pigeon peas, cheesy nachos, the possibilities are endless! For instance with pizza, yum! If you haven't tried it  then you need to check out Pizza Perfected. It gives it that extra needed kick. Just a few drops and you will be in heaven.

Have a game day coming up and need some good spicy recipes to feed the gang? You are in luck Game-Day Party Menu will give you what you need. There you will find plenty of recipes to keep everyone satisfied. From a bit hot to extremely hot recipes. My favorites are the dips! 

Remember, TABASCO® Original Red doesn't add flavor to your food it enhances the flavor of your food. Something very important to me. I don't want to end up with my food tasting completely different because I wanted to add that extra kick I sometimes crave. 

There is no other brand I would trust! TABASCO® Original Red is the one to have in your home! It has been around since 1868 thanks to the Mcllhenny family! Such a great taste...

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By now some of you have seen this video of a man that was sleeping on the train who had a rat crawl on him. My first thought would've been to scream and run out of the train. Some people however stayed there looking at it run around their legs. That is just gross!  Like one of the women in the video said, we pay too much fucking money to have rats running around a train car like that. Imagine if there were children there or an elderly person and they get bitten by it. All the diseases those things carry. Disgusting! You can read more about it here.

allowscriptaccess="always" allownetworking="all" allowfullscreen="true" src="">
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Sitting Down Watching ESPN.

This guest post from Werner Rogers

Sunday morning started out just like all the other ones that I had for the entire month. Except today was going to be different because I was going to have a great time watching ESPN. I know that for many people this is something that would seem odd, but I had finally managed to convince my wife to get paid television.

Now this may not seem like it was that big of a struggle, but you need to realize that when you live on a disability pension spending any money each month is a huge choice. However, she finally seen that the old way of watching television was not working anymore when her soaps kept fading in and out on her.

Once her soaps faded in and out a couple times too many and she missed out on the big ending to one of the episodes she knew that it was time to get something else. Once she decided on that I managed to convince her to the switch, but what she was not expecting was for me to watch my favorite sports network on satellite TV from BestChoiceTV each Sunday morning. Now she just considers my sports watching as part of the Sunday morning ritual before we head out the door for church.

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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Be A Hallmark Star!

Hallmark is having another contest to be a Hallmark Star. Here is what you need to do. Take a vintage photo and turn it into a funny card for any of the occasions listed below. You can enter a card for each occasion; meaning you can enter five cards. Deadline is January 23! Go to their site to read more about the rules and get tips on what you can do. 

  • Love & Flirts
  • Miss You
  • Thank You
  • Congratulations
  • Just For Laughs

You could win $250 and your card would sell at You could win $250 more if they decide to also sell your card in thousands of stores across the country! How cool is that!

image credit: hallmark

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Didn't Last Long.

PhotobucketThis winter so far haven't disappointed me with the snow. We barely got any snow last winter. Last night I was happy because we were going to get more snow. I like how beautiful it looks, it makes you feel like you are in wonderland. I took a picture when it started snowing and I hoped we were going to get a lot so it would last a long time. However this morning there wasn't much left. Plow truck passed by and by 7:30AM the street was already cleared and the wonderland feeling was no more...

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My Personal Style New Year's Resolution.

Guest post written by Kelly Wilde

I've really been slacking lately when it comes to my personal style. I have all the great clothes and accessories, it's just that I've gotten into a slump and a little too comfortable in my jeans and sweatshirts. But I made a New Year's resolution this year to get my personal style back into shape and have fun doing it.

I went online to try and get some inspiration for some new outfits that I wanted to put together with the clothes that I already have. I found some great pictures of celebrities at events with our Clear internet. It's a good choice to see what they' re doing because they pay people to dress them, but I also like looking at personal style blogs too.

One of the things I'm doing as part of my style New Year's resolution is new ways to wear my scarves. I love that with fashion you can just change into something else and change your whole look. It's the easiest pick me up out there!

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Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year & PhotoHunt - Fuzzy

PhotobucketHappy New Year again! Ready for the new year? I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend. We enjoyed our dinner and dessert. Turned out delish. Now we are having some quiet time. There are some people that are still celebrating but not in our building. Here is quiet so far. My daughter is on the computer, my son and I are watching the X-Files season 9 on Netflix

So glad is still Saturday, not ready for the week yet. Come Monday is back to reality, many errands to do. So not ready! Already put up my new calendar though, have to mark it with things I have to do. Funny thing is I enjoy marking my calendar, lol. There is something about calendars, post it, pens, notepads that I like. Anything officy (just made that word up) I love...

First PhotoHunt of 2011! This week's theme is Fuzzy. My son took this picture a few years back while we were at a hospital's outside waiting area. This little birdie came to the table next to us looking for something to eat. It kept getting closer so my son couldn't resist taking a picture. So cute! 

If you would like to become a photohunter like me, click on the link or the chicklet. Happy Saturday!♥♥

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Trusty Old Snow Cream Recipe.

Guest post written by Harmony Doolittle

PhotobucketI think that I've been using the same old snow cream recipe for a long time now. I kind of picked it up from my mom a long time ago. It was the recipe that she always used to use when I was a little girl and I missed school for whole days and sometimes even weeks because of the snow. I think that she was always as excited as I was for school to be cancelled and now I fell exactly the same way when my kids get out of school.

When I'm looking online with my Clear Internet at the weather forecast to see just how likely it is that we're going to get snow, I make a mental note to make some snow cream.

But one of the most important things, in my opinion, about making a batch of snow cream recipe is getting the snow off the top of our grill or lawn chairs or something like that. Also, I always gets the snow before the kids go out and play in it because it's hard to find a good spot of untouched snow for the recipe after they've gone out to play in it.

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