Saturday, November 27, 2010

Back To Normal!

Ok, back to normal. Well, sort of. Yesterday my daughter woke up vomiting and with a stomach ache. Late cheesecake and early bagel with cream cheese might have been at fault. She hasn't felt like that since she was little so when she woke up feeling sick she thought it was hunger. She ate a bagel and off she went. After a long nap she was better thank God. I thought I was going to have to run off to the pharmacy or the hospital.

Then it was my turn, I started feeling dizzy and nauseous. I thought I caught whatever she had but then I remember those are the side effects of my meds. I feel much better for now. All I needed was to sleep it off. Shhh, let me not say it too loud. 

Our Thanksgiving was nice. It was semi quiet because the neighbors were having a party upstairs but not right above me thank God! We enjoyed our dinner. Pernil turned out ok. It wasn't as good as last year but I'll make up for it on Christmas eve. I got so caught up in following instructions on how to make it that I forgot to add my touch and that is what makes it taste good! I didn't get a pie, my son wasn't in the mood for pie and daughter doesn't like it. So, I bought a pack of different types of cheesecakes. Same one I bought last year since I knew it tasted good. 

Leftovers lasted until yesterday. Today's dinner is macaroni and cheese, homemade breaded chicken cutlets and cranberry jellied sauce. Yum! Yes, sounds like a dinner for kids but we love it. It is comfort food damn it, lol. Plus is easy to cook and that's a big plus!  

Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend...Photobucket

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Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving To Everyone!

I overslept a bit but since dinner is only for us I don't have to worry! I so love that. Pernil has been in the oven for hours now. The apartment smells delish. I have the window open so I can smell the rain at the same time. I'm sad to say the fire department and the police seem to be very busy today. They don't get a rest. Happy Thanksgiving to them! 

I am thankful to have a roof over our head and food on our table. Has been a rough year and we still have more hardship ahead but for today I can say I'm not worrying about that. We are enjoying our Thanksgiving! 

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone wherever they are. Enjoy your day with your loved ones and friends. Even if you are by yourself be thankful for another day! Stay safe and please don't drink and drive/Cuidensen y por favor no beban y conduzcan.♥x♥x♥

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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Argh, Last Minute!

I'm sitting here looking at my list thinking how crowded the supermarket is going to be! Yes, I made the mistake of leaving everything for the last minute. Had to do too many errands this week and even though grocery shopping was one of them I couldn't make it. I was dragging myself by the time I got home. 

I'm not making a big Thanksgiving feast because we are a small family but I'm making enough to last me for 3 days. I'm making the usual so far, pernil, arroz con gandules/rice with pigeon peas, maduros/yellow plantain, ensalada de papas/potato salad (maybe) and cranberry jellied sauce. For dessert, I'm buying a pie or whatever the kids want.

One thing will be different this year, no more Mami jodiendose in the kitchen by herself until dinner is ready. Everyone is going to help this time! Nope, I'm not one of those Mami who wants to do everything herself anymore. I need help, coño! They are not going to like it but if they want to eat they better do it. Anyone else feels the same way out there?

Now to get ready with my smiling face mask on and off I go. My son is dreading having to go with me but my daughter is not here yet so he has no other choice.

In case I don't blog tomorrow. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone wherever they are. Stay safe, don't drink and drive/Cuidensen, no beban y conduzcan.♥x♥x♥

image credit:

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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Giveaway: Family Flick Night!

We love movies in this family, is one way we have fun together. That's why I got excited when I heard that this month you receive a movie ticket when you buy two boxes of specially marked cereal of Big G cereals including Honey Nut Cheerios® (17 oz.), Cinnamon Toast Crunch® (17 oz.), Lucky Charms® (16 oz.), Trix® (14.8 oz) and Reese´s Puffs® cereal (18 oz.).

It is very easy to get your free movie ticket. Once you purchase the two specially marked cereals you go to where you need to enter the code found inside the box. There you will be able to print the movie cash certificate. Good for one admission with the value of up $12. It's that easy! To find the participating theaters in your area go to Enter your zip code and you are set.

Many thanks to MyBlogSpark and General Mills who sent us a Family Movie Flick pack with two boxes of participating cereals (Honey Nut Cheerios and  Cinnamon Toast Crunch) plus four movie tickets. We got it just in time, we had ran out of cereal! We are happy to say we are going to use these tickets to go see the New Harry Potter movie in the next week or so. We haven't been to the movies in a while so this will be a treat for us!

Thanks to MyBlogSpark and General Mills one of my lucky reader will receive a Family Flick Night gift pack! 

To win it, tell me which cereals are you looking forward to purchasing to earn e-movie cash? 

Receive extra entries by:

Subscribing via email or feed
Follow my blog through Google Friend Connect
Add my blog to your blogroll
Tweet about this giveaway: Win a Family Flick Night pack  Ends 12/4 via @isolatedexisten #myblogspark
One tweet a day please.

Giveaway ends December 4th at 11:59 PM EST Don't forget to leave your email in your comments please. Buena Suerte/Good Luck!

The information and giveaway were provided by General Mills through MyBlogSpark.

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Friday, November 19, 2010

Pink's New Video!

I really like Pink's new song. It's an upbeat song that puts you in a good mood no matter what. Something I really need these days! The video of the song is out, don't know for how long but I just saw it yesterday. I like it a lot. When she's dancing like if it was the 80's, the beginning when she has black hair, when she's fighting with the sumo wrestler lol. I love it! 

She's going to be a Mom for the first time. I'm guessing she's going to take a break. Especially when the paparazzi have been following her everywhere. She tweeted about it. That she would like the paparazzi to leave along and gain weight in peace. I agree!  


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Picky Thanksgiving.

Guest post written by Charlaine Wilkinson

I really can't believe how picky my family is because I love to be really adventurous when it comes to what I like to eat. I've always been that way. But I guess I should have expected something like this because my husband is incredibly picky. I picked up on that after a few dates because he would order the plainest thing on the menu, no matter where we would go and eat.

I even have to be careful about what I fix for Thanksgiving. So I've been looking for different ways to fix the basic things that they swear by on Thanksgiving by doing my research online with my clearwire. I think that I have some really good ideas.

One of the few really tasty things, to me anyway, that I can force my family into eating are sweet potatoes, but they have to be plain for them to like them. But I found this sweet potato casserole recipe that I'm going to cook up and make them try. I think they'll like it.

image credit: quick dish

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Sunday, November 14, 2010

My Day & Sunday Funnies.

Hello mi gente. How is your Sunday going? Mine has been blah so far. Have been feeling sleepy/tired all day, hate feeling like that. Not happy the weekend is over either! Tomorrow is the start of the stress all over again, bleh. 

After dinner I'm going to "try" to stay awake to watch Robin Hood with Russell Crowe. Heard it was a good movie, then again what movie with Russell Crowe is not good? The man can act and pick great roles to play. Plus he so damn HOT! Ok, now I'm starting to feel a bit less blah.Photobucket

Dinner cooking time is going to be short because the meat is already prepared, yay! What's for dinner? Arroz blanco/white Rice with bistec empanizado/breaded steak and habichuelas negras/black beans. Just thinking about it makes hungry. Have to start cooking after this post!

Now, on to my Sunday funnies. Hope everyone is having a great Sunday wherever they are... 


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Saturday, November 13, 2010

For Those Who Leave Comments.

I have noticed that a few of the people who leave comments forget to enter their blog address. Because of this if you want me to visit your site/blog I won't be able to. Unless I already know your site/blog or where you commented before like a Meme site. 

I realize that not everyone has a site/blog but for those who do make sure to leave your URL. I want to return the favor by visiting your site/blog.Photobucket 

image credit: Lola's Diner

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PhotoHunt - Itchy

Today's theme for PhotoHunt is Itchy! My son took this picture when we went to Ripley's Believe It Or Not. This definitely made me itchy, arrghhh! They were alive so you could see them crawling, yuck. If you would like to join us photohunters click on the link or the chicklet below. Happy Saturday!♥♥


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Finally, The Weekend!

So happy is Saturday! My God this week felt like forever. One hell of a week I tell you. Yesterday I felt like the picture says I took a deep breath when I got home and said relax. No more shit until Monday. Right now I'm enjoying myself listening to music as I write my post. With headphones because is late and my son is sleeping. He hasn't been feeling well. He either has allergies or a cold. I hope it a one day thing. Don't like cuando mis hijos se enferman/when my children get sick.

Thanksgiving is less than two weeks away and I'm not excited about it. I want to be though because this is my favorite time of the year. Maybe is because I'm going through a stressful time right now. Who knows maybe once everything is over I will be excited. No Christmas tree this year either because I can't find ours. Maybe we threw it away thinking we were going to get a new one! Oh well. I'll be going to the 99 cents store to get some things to make up for the tree. Better than nothing right?Photobucket

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Thursday, November 11, 2010

I Love Freebies!

I love freebies, I subscribe to two blogs that are about freebies. Yesterday it paid off because I got 2 free products with 2 coupons I received in the mail! I went to Walgreens and saved almost $10. I left a happy woman. What did I get for free? A bottle of 24 Advil liquid gels and a Cottonelle Wipes tub with a free wall hanger! How cool is that.

I don't use coupons often because the supermarket around here doesn't accept coupons unless it is from their own store. I can only use them at Target and I rarely go there anymore. Have to take the train to get there and I can't afford it. So I am happy I was able to use those two coupons and better yet it was free! Freebies get me out of trouble all the time when I run out of things. I ♥ freebies!! Do you?

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Sunday, November 7, 2010

Life & Sunday Funnies.

PhotobucketHello! Sorry I am late posting my Sunday Funnies. Then again it is early for some of my readers. I have been busy today, then I took a nap that turned into a 3 hour nap. Woke up feeling the whole day passed by. Not a good feeling but oh well. Tomorrow is another day right?

Have to do laundry later, have tons to wash. Have a busy day tomorrow so I have to wear comfy clothes. So glad is going to be chilly out although I just noticed is going to rain. Noooo! Wasn't counting on that, ugh. Going to be hard to carry an umbrella and a cane at the same time plus deal with my back pain. Damn just to think about it makes me not want to go but I have to. Wish me luck...

Ok, on to my Sunday Funnies. Hope you are enjoy what is left of your Sunday.♥♥

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Saturday, November 6, 2010

Life & PhotoHunt - Alive

PhotobucketIt's Saturday, so happy about that! It's a beautiful day outside. Sunny, good temperatures, great day to walk around in the city. Too bad I can't do that with my back hurting worse that it has been. I have to do grocery shopping so I'm hoping the pain will go away a bit by then. If not mis hijos/my children are going to have to go and they are not going to be happy when I tell them. Oh well.

Have no idea what to cook for dinner. Something simple. Maybe arroz/rice con salchichas/sausages, habichuelas negras/black beans y maduros/yellow plantains. That sounds good. We'll see. I baked a cake yesterday, from a box of course! LOL Came out fluffy, very tasty. That will be our dessert for today, tomorrow and the day after. Saves me some money and that is always good!

Later to catch up with the shows I have on the DVR. Ran out of space last night and had to delete some shows! Hopefully I can watch them online. I'm enjoying Cablevision's on demand prime time. I watched The Event there and watched the first 2 episodes of No Ordinary Family. I enjoy both shows. Btw, is it me or the girl in the picture looks like Ke$ha. I know, I know. I'm 40 something years old and I know who Ke$ha is, lol. Her songs can be catchy, lol. You can't tell much in that picture but if you watch the show you can see it. Anyone else thinks she looks like her?

Ok, on to my PhotoHunt for today. Today's theme is Alive. I found two pictures I took in Central Park that are perfect (I think) for today's theme. If you would like to be a photohunter like me click on the link or click on the chicklet below.

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Friday, November 5, 2010

The Vampire Diaries Marathon!

If you are a fan like me of The Vampire Diaries then you will be happy to know that starting December 13 they are going to air the first 10 episodes of the Sophomore Season. Two episodes every night from 8PM to 10PM ET. How awesome is that! The marathon is until December 17. 

If you missed a few episodes then this the perfect opportunity to catch up! I'm have missed an episode or two so I'm watching it.

I'm really enjoying Caroline's character. It was a great idea to add more to her role. She plays it good too! The episode with her Mom and her was really good. 

Thanks to TVByTheNumbers for the info!
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Thursday, November 4, 2010

Sorry I Haven't Been Posting...

Sorry I haven't been posting much this week. Have some things going on. It's kicking my ass, keeps me on edge 24/7 and I'm not able to concentrate in blogging. I'm praying everything will get resolved by the end of next week. Hate having things lingering in the back of my mind. Not having control of what happens, etc.

Finally went to see my doctor. Told him about the meds and he wasn't as upset as I thought he would be. Or at least he didn't show it. He prescribed me new ones. I read up on one of them and I'm not comfortable with the side effects. So as soon as I can't handle the side effects or I start feeling weird I'm calling him. Fuck it, no more but what if he gets mad. I'm the one who has to deal with it.

Yep, that's me I worry too much about other people feelings or what they would say about me. Have to definetely change that. I'm too old to still care what other people think. I want to be one of those people who live their lives however they want to. They don't worry about el que diran/what would they say shit. What about you? Do you have the same problem?

Going back to what is keeping me on edge. Please keep us in your prayers that things will turn out Ok. If they don't I doubt I will be back to blogging everyday anytime soon. But this time it won't be because I can't concentrate but because things will be harder for us money wise etc...

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iPad Giveaway Via The Art Of Random Willy Nillyness

Have you been dreaming of owning an iPad like me? If you have then you have to the opportunity of winning one! That's right you can be the lucky one. @CaroGonza from The Art Of Random Willy Nillyness blog is giving one away! You have tons of way of entering her giveaway. The more entries the better your chances are of course. So what are you waiting for, corre y entra/run and enter her giveaway! Buena suerte/Good luck♥♥

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Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Wordless Wednesday - Hot House!

My Wordless Wednesday is one my favorite doctors! Dr. House from the TV show House. I took this picture while waiting for the bus last week. Doesn't he look hot, those eyes! Que Papi..Photobucket

If would like to join Wordless Wednesday add your name below. It's fun!♥♥

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