Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Antique Book Collection.

Guest post written by Elaine Elders

Old booksImage via WikipediaMy antique book collection started when I inherited the beginnings of it from my great aunt. She was quite the reader and kept many editions of classics like “The Great Gatsby” and “Gone With The Wind.” Lucky for me, I’m a big reader too and also love antiques. I think the collection, which includes about 40 books now, complete my décor in my family room.

Most people don’t take care of their books and fold down corners of pages and leave them lying around. Some o f those books were treated like that but I think it gives them even more character. However, I’m trying to care really good care of all of them now so I can enjoy them for years and possibly pass them onto my daughter later.

That’s why when our air conditioner unit broke, I literally had a meltdown. It was just a few weeks ago in the hottest month of the summer, which is even worse with the Florida humidity. I fixed the problem right away by getting new HVAC systems SearsI didn’t have to worry about the books deteriorating quickly because of the humidity or my family being miserable because of the heat.
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Sunday, August 22, 2010

Life & Sunday Funnies!

Sorry my Sunday funnies post is very late today. Have been busy with other things around the apartment and I'm still not done. My weekend was uneventful as usual. We went out on Friday to run errands and got home after 8:30PM. My daughter went out with her friend yesterday and today we all stayed in to enjoy the rainy day. I hope the Junta Hispana was full even though it has been raining almost all day. There are still more Junta Hispana events coming up so check out the link above to find out the dates.

Later I have to do laundry, bleh. Catch up with some the shows I have abandoned. Which reminds me I have to set up the DVR for The Gates. Yes, I would love to watch True Blood but can't because I don't have HBO and renting one disk at a time would be a killer for me, lol. So I have to wait until HBO and Netflix feel pitty for us non HBO subscribers and finally allow the show to be streamed on HD through Netflix! Hear that people? 

Talking about Netflix, earlier this week my cable, internet and phone service was out for a day and half. We couldn't watch TV obviously so we decided to watch some movies my daughter's friend burned for us months ago. I watched The Pianist again with my son (was his first time), he loved the movie. At first he didn't wanted to see it but I convinced him and I am glad I did. It is a great movie to see, teaches you things about history and at the same time it teaches you to be happy with what you have because there are always people who have far less. Other movie we saw was Slumdog Millionaire, first time for both. Great movie, but at the time same time sad to see the conditions people live in other countries. Like I said it makes one appreciate what little you have.

As for the cable I thought it was a problem on their end but it turns out the cable was damaged outside. The cable guy fixed it and everything was restored. I wanted ask him what he meant that it was damaged. Did it looked like it was damaged by the weather or someone just ripped it off. Didn't say anything because I didn't wanted to keep him here. It has stayed in my mind though. The damaged cable not the guy, lol. Although he was a cutie! I mean I keep thinking what if it was some pendejo who ripped it off trying to steal some cable. I hope it wasn't the case but from now on thanks to my surge protector I will know if that is the case because a red light goes on when that happens. Found out about that the day he fixed it and the mysterious light went off again...

Ok, enough of my ranting! Here are today's Sunday funnies. Sorry I posted them so late. Enjoy the rest of the evening/day depending on where you are.Photobucket

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A Girl With A Doll.

I was on the bus yesterday coming from running errands with my son. I was reading Twitter on my cell and my son was listening to music. We were both entertaining ourselves with our gadgets when I looked up and see a little girl holding a doll looking at us. She had a pony tail and was about 6 years old. The first thing I thought, wow it has been a long time since I have seen a little girl walking around with a doll. She had the doll wrapped in a little blanket and she was holding it tight. I smiled at her, I thought it was nice to see there are still girls out there who still enjoy playing with dolls. It is rare to see girls carrying around a doll these days or maybe I haven't been paying much attention.

Makes me sad to think how many little girls living in poverty would love to have a doll but don't have them and our children that can have one any day because they are sold almost everywhere don't pay much attention anymore because the digital era has taken over. I have to say I am one of those people who goes gaga after anything digital/gadgetry but I still would like to see girls/boys entertaining themselves with non digital toys like back in the days. Our children are growing up too fast. 

I remember when I was young I enjoyed playing with my doll's hair. I cut it, braid it and gave my dolls different looks. The girls around my neighborhood and I would make a group to play with our dolls for hours. We would trade some of the clothes, that was fun! If I was watching TV I would have my doll with me. If was riding my bicycle I would put it inside the basket. So many good memories, too bad I don't have many pictures of those days.Photobucket    

How about your children, do they still play the old fashion way? Your girls still carry dolls around?

image credit: The Mommy Files
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New Comment Plugin.

I recently installed a comment plugin that is used with CommentLuv. I tried it a year ago but I didn't like the way it looked so I stopped using it. They updated it since so I decided to give a try again. I would like some feedback about it because I noticed it makes the page load a bit slower but my pc is kinda of slow. So please let me know if it makes the blog load slow, does it make commenting harder etc. 

Also if there is any other plug in that I can use with commentluv besides the one I just installed please let me know I would love to give it a try. Not that I get many comments but I still want to make things easy for those who do comment...Photobucket  

image credit: m + d
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Sunday, August 15, 2010

Sunday Funnies!

It has been a quiet cloudy Sunday so far and here I am fighting to stay awake. Woke up with a slight headache, I'm taking it easy so it doesn't turn into a full migraine. Who wants to end up the weekend with a migraine. Hope everyone is enjoying their Sunday wherever they are!♥♥

Enjoy today's funnies. I'm the owl in the first one, lol... 


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Saturday, August 14, 2010

Junta Hispana - Flushing Meadow Park!

It's time for the Junta Hispana again! I found out about Junta Hispana last year, through the supermarket C-Town where I shop. The Junta Hispana, an event where 20 Spanish speaking countries get together to celebrate everything about their country. From food, music, to crafts. You will see their traditional dances and clothing. It's an event for the whole family and best of all is free! For the kiddies Nickelodeon’s Dora The Explorer will be there. Make sure to pass by the Bienvenidos/Welcome booth!

It will be held at the Flushing Meadow Park on Sunday August 22 from 11AM-6PM, near the Unisphere. Stages performances start at 12PM. According to their site they will be there rain or shine, good to know ahead of time! Hopefully the weather will cooperate. So start sending evites to your familia/family and friends now. You will get to taste all kinds of traditional food from each country, buy crafts, clothing and enjoy good music. You will also get to try some of the sponsor's product. Goodies, who doesn't like that! 

Take a look at the video below so you can have an idea of what you are going to see there. I didn't go last year, I am going to try to go this year again. This event is not only in New York but also in Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles and Miami. I will be posting the dates below.   

These are the dates:

Chicago - was on Sunday July 25th - Douglas Park
New York - Sunday August 22 - Flushing Meadow Park
Houston - Sunday October 17 - Thomas Bass Park
Los Angeles - Sunday October 10 - Whittier Narrows Regional Park in S. El Monte, California
Miami - Sunday October 24 - Tamiami Park

Same time for all cities 11AM to 6PM. Performances start at 12PM (Rain or Shine they will be there)

New York: Free parking is available in the park. Parking spaces are limited. Public transportation is recommended.

Don't know how to get to Flushing Meadow Park by public transportation? Click below, enter your address and it will give directions how to get there and how long it will take.

MTA Trip Planner

Enjoy your time at the Junta Hispana! Que gozen!♥♥

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Friday, August 13, 2010

Friday Fill-Ins.

So glad is Friday, loving that is not really hot out. Ok, it's time for Friday Fill-Ins! If you want to join the fun click on the link or the image. Hope everyone is enjoying their Friday!Photobucket

1. Music makes me feel alive!

2. Reading the news in the internet is what I like first thing in the morning.

3. The first thing I said this morning was: what are you doing awake?

4. Probably hot dogs; it's what's for dinner tonight.

5. It's all been for the better.

6. Dancing is what I feel like doing right now.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to maybe watching The Book of Eli, tomorrow my plans include cleaning, emptying my DVR and Sunday, I want to write some posts and do laundry.
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Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Fall TV Schedule Calendar - September 2010.

If you are a TV junkie like me you want to know ahead of time when shows are going to air. Although I have to admit lately I haven't been watching TV much. I usually set up my DVR to record but for the past 3 weeks I haven't done that. I have been catching up with shows online. Like Lie To Me and The Gates. This calendar is courtesy of TVGuide, you can check the upcoming season premieres or new shows. What shows are you dying to come back?

Click on the image to go live calendar.

Shows I can't wait to come back:

image credit: 

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Fringe Fills My Sci-Fi Void.

Written by my friend Dong Wood.

Fringe (TV series)It has been a long time since I found a science fiction program that I enjoy watching. Fringe fills the void perfectly for me and I love finding it on my direct tv channel guide. A great hour-long show gives me a chance to delve into the unknown. I love the interaction between Walter and Peter. I especially enjoyed last season when they gave me hope that I will see Peter and Olivia together as a couple. My husband and I religiously watch this show and love the quality of the picture better when it is in HD. 

The cliffhanger at the end of last season proves to me that the writers of this show have not run out of ideas. The alternate universes and the ability to travel between realms really fascinate me. I hope that Walter and Peter will find the real Olivia before the end of next season. I do not think I can wait an entire season for a reunion between Peter and Olivia. I am also ecstatic, because Peter chose to believe Walter and come back with him. The writing on Fringe and the actors continue to draw viewers. I will continue to watch this show weekly and enjoy every minute of exploring all the possibilities of our universe.
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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

What Happened?

I was watching Good Day LA streaming this morning because Kat Von D (love her show) was going to be on the show and they had a segment about kids going back to school and the clothes that are on style etc. I was sitting here listening to the woman talking about what's on style and the prices. A little jacket for almost $30 for a 7-9 year old! Hoodies with pockets for the mp3 players, seriously? To go to school. I kept thinking what the hell they are going to school to learn not to freaking model or to party. 

I think is wrong that people put so much emphasis on what kids wear to school these days. Children no longer are excited to go to school to learn or make new friends but to wear the best clothes around and compete with one another. Sure back in the days there was a little bit of that too but these days is ridiculous. I've seen girls and boys dressed to go to school like they are going to a fashion show or something.   

I remember when I used to go to elementary school I had to wear uniform. My uniform wasn't new I had to wear the same one year after year. To the point it was mini skirt. I would put a pair of shorts underneath. Then again we weren't people of money so we had to stretch the clothes we had as much as we could. It wasn't until high school that I started wearing regular clothes and caring more about how I looked. These days kids start thinking about that before entering school! I think is sad. There is no Mami I'm going to school and I'm going to have a new teacher. Instead, is Mami Claire has a sparkly/bling out backpack and I want it!!! 

Then we wonder what has happened to kids these days. Why girls want to have plastic surgery in their teens and want to have babies like they are dolls. Why boys get into trouble at an early age thinking is the style to have a record. What happened to the age of innocence. It's becoming nonexistent...  

Related articles by Zemanta
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Monday, August 9, 2010

Like Wine...

I was looking through TMZ and found these pictures. I am a fan of both! They are actors who look like machos, coño. No waxed eyebrows, not overly tanned or too put together. Over 40 and looking riquísimo! Como el vino, mientras más viejo mejor/Like wine, the older the better.♥♥

Kiefer Sutherland in Europe 8/3/10. I miss you Jack!

Johnny Depp in Maui taking a break from filming 8/2/10.

image credit: TMZ
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Be A Hallmark Star!

If you are good at drawing or taking photographs and have a good imagination then you should enter Hallmark's It's a Teen Thing card contest! Just imagine you could win fab prizes and see your card sold in stores! How cool is that? Go ahead submit your design, you could be a Hallmark Star!

image credit: Hallmark

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Sunday, August 8, 2010

My Weekend & Sunday Funnies.

The end of the weekend again! This week felt like it zoomed by. One day it was Monday and the next it was Friday. Not that I'm complaining of course! I stayed home, Friday I had a huge migraine all day. Yesterday, I cooked, cleaned, tweeted, listened to music and watched a movie con mis hijos/my children. Right now I'm listening to music and after I finish with this post is kitchen time to cook dinner. Anyone wants to cook for me, lol. 

This weekend New York was invaded by all the ladies/some gentlemen from BlogHer! I spent the weekend catching up with their tweets/pictures saying how much they enjoyed being in New York which makes me feel proud as a New Yorker. Looking forward to the blog posts with photos and videos! Well, I hope everyone is having an awesome Sunday recuperating from all the dancing/mingling.♥♥

Here are today's funnies!

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Boudreaux's Butt Paste.

This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of Boudreaux's Butt Paste. All opinions are 100% mine.

I have heard so many good things about the Boudreaux's Butt Paste for diaper rash, I wish it was around when my children were small. It would have saved me a few trips to the pharmacy trying to find something that worked for my baby's diaper rash. 

Boudreaux Butt Paste was formulated by a pharmacist with the direction from a respected pediatrician. It's made out of 16% Zinc Oxide and Peruvian balsam. Not only does it treats diaper rash but it also soothes the irritated skin. It goes on and cleans off easily, no mess. It has a pleasant scent which is a must. No mommy wants their baby to smell like medicine. 

It comes in convenient sizes of 1oz, 2oz, 3oz, 4oz tubes and 16oz jar. Flip top cap tubes so you don't have to worry about losing the cap! They have a travel size for the mommies on the run, you can always carry one in your purse in case you forget to put one in your baby's diaper bag. 

Boudreaux Butt Paste has been featured on: Oprah, Tonight Show, People Magazine, Today Show, ESPN and While You Were Out TLC. 

Right now you can receive a sample by visiting their site. Scroll down to the end of the page. Trust me your baby will thank you by smiling and being happy all day!

Visit my sponsor: Boudreaux's Butt Paste Pin It Now!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Stay Cool, Save Cash!

It's going to be HOT one today! Centers are going to be open around the city for those who need a place to cool down. When it gets hot like this we tend to use a lot more electricity because we want to keep the air conditioner on all day long. Mis hijos/my children want to keep it on all day but I tell them no way. I keep the air conditioner on until it gets cool and then I turn on the fan. Here are some tips from Con Edison about what you can do to save electricity and save some dinero at the same time!

My Con Edison bill has been through the roof lately because of this weather. I'm sure a lot of people out there are going through the same thing. At times like these is good to know can we can call Con Edison and ask for an extra 15 days to pay the bill. I admit it, I have called more than once. Sin verguenza ninguna/Without any shame. You can also make payment arrangements. You can find all of this and other programs to help you here

Stay cool mi gente and if you have elderly neighbors check on them por favor/please. 

I hope all the ladies at BlogHer are staying cool! Looking forward to tweets with pictures and videos!♥♥

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Top Entrecard Droppers!

Here is a list of my top Entrecard droppers. As usual I want to thank you for stopping by my little corner. It is much appreciated. Check out their Blogs, you will find a little bit of everything...♥♥

The Crazy Suburban Mom
As The Crackerhead Crumbles
Da Dude's BBQ Thought
Rambling Raen
Some Assembly Required
Personal Pets
Hipncool...I'll Always Be
My Foliage Diary

image credit: Greenwich Village Daily Photo Pin It Now!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

100 Things About Me.

Wow, can't believe is already August. I don't like summer much because of the hot temperatures but time is going by too fast! I feel guilty that we haven't done much but we are on a budget right now. Hopefully before the summer is over things will get better and we will be able to enjoy ourselves a bit. 

Ok, on to the topic of this post. I did this Meme on my old blog and had forgotten about it until I visited the blog of Dianne Rambling On and was reading her about me page. Thought it was a good idea she used it for that. I'm going to do a new one because my old blog doesn't exists anymore, lol. Things have changed since my first Blog and I have new readers. Here it goes...

100 Things About Me!
  1. I have an accent when I speak English.
  2. When I get nervous or upset my accent gets worse or I forget how to speak English.
  3. I am shy.
  4. I can be a potty mouth, I say the F word a lot.
  5. I'm addicted to the internet.
  6. I'm addicted to Social Networking.
  7. I'm good setting up electronics and putting things together.
  8. I like to test new software to see how it works and what flaws it has.
  9. I love cheese!
  10. I love office supplies, pens, post its, appointment books, etc.
  11. I like playing video games although I don't play them often.
  12. I'm a loyal friend but if you screw me that's it.
  13. Certain sounds make me anxious, make me physically ill.
  14. I don't drink or smoke.
  15. I'm sort of scared of heights.
  16. I dislike spoilers, I like the element of surprise.
  17. I hate bullies with a passion.
  18. I love sweets too much.
  19. When I'm feeling down, a hug from either of my kids or listening to music makes me feel better.
  20. I'm a worry wart.
  21. I love using Paint Shop Pro, not an expert but know my way around it.
  22. I'm a procrastinator.
  23. I like helping people, sometimes too much.
  24. We have a cat, he's the baby of the house.
  25. I'm not a good cook and don't like cooking much but have to.
  26. I love taking pictures.
  27. I am glad I started this blog.
  28. I wanted to be a dancer growing up.
  29. People think I'm stuck up because I'm always serious and I'm not talkative.
  30. I don't go to church but I believe in God.
  31. I don't watch Spanish TV much but I read about it on the web.
  32. I can be a dreamer.
  33. I believe in Ghosts.
  34. Celebrities I have seen in person: Ricky Martin, Jennifer Lopez, Jon Secada, Chayanne, Menudo (First Group) and Olga Tañon.
  35. My favorite seasons are fall and winter.
  36. I love TV, some of the shows I watch: Lie To Me, The Vampire Diaries, Supernatural, Fringe, Brothers & Sisters.
  37. Both of my parents are Puerto Rican.
  38. My favorite color is black.
  39. My favorite browser these days is beta Google Chrome.
  40. I enjoy Latino, Italian and Chinese food. Craving an egg roll right now!
  41. Cinnabons are one of my weaknesses!
  42. The first time I saw Steel Magnolias I cried like a baby.
  43. I love listening to 80's music, reminds me the good old days!
  44. I forgot how difficult it is to come up with 100 things!
  45. I dream about having an iPhone but that's a luxury I can't afford!
  46. I can think better at night when everything is quiet.
  47. I have a vivid imagination.
  48. I'm 40 something but mentally I feel younger.
  49. I love Christmas time. Wish it was longer.
  50. I'm very territorial when it comes to mis hijos/my children.
  51. I'm not into politics or sports but I do read the news about it here and there.
  52. I don't get the fascination people have with the show Jersey Shore. They are just playing characters in order to get paid.
  53. Dying for Netflix to stream True Blood on HD so I can finally see it!
  54. I enjoy funny tweets. I wish Twitter would add smiley face graphics though.
  55. I love salsa y merengue music mostly old style.
  56. I love dancing.
  57. I need to loose weight. At least 120 lbs.
  58. I was in a folklore dance group for a short time when I was in High School.
  59. I'm 5'5. Wish I was few inches taller.
  60. I use the AOL software beta. I love it, is the first thing I open when I turn on my computer. Been using the AOL software since 1996!
  61. I suffer from allergies.
  62. I cut down on the TV shows I watch. 
  63. Netflix streaming is being used everyday after dinner.
  64. I have 3 new books that I haven't read.
  65. I love make up.
  66. I'm waiting for the day when a cosmetic company invents a foundation for oily skin that truly lasts more than an hour!
  67. I use MAC Studio Fix and it sucks, at least for me.
  68. My favorite perfume is Paris from Yves Saint Laurent.
  69. I still can't believe Michael Jackson is dead.
  70. Two things a woman should have, eyelash curler and clear mascara for the eyebrows.
  71. I dislike loud people.
  72. I miss Latin food cooked by grandmother.
  73. I skip commercials because the food makes me hungry.
  74. I love seafood.
  75. My meds have made me gain a lot of weight.
  76. My heart starts racing when someone rings my door bell or knocks on the door.
  77. I saw Blondie walking in Manhattan years ago. She looked good.
  78. When I get angry I tend to curse mostly in Spanish.
  79. I have become a recluse in the past 6 years.
  80. Listening to Kelly Clarkson's Already Gone as I type this.
  81. I haven't been to Puerto Rico in over 10 years.
  82. I dream of one day owning a house.
  83. I don't know how to drive. Lucky we have trains and buses!
  84. I do know how to ride a bicycle, lol.
  85. My inbox has over 1900 emails most of them are newsletters, recipes, etc. 
  86. I think my router is giving up soon. I keep getting intermittent service.
  87. Richard Marx Hold On To the Nights is playing. The memories...
  88. To me a great kiss is as good as making love. You know those kisses that make your whole body pulsate.
  89. Open Your Heart by Madonna playing now. Love this song.
  90. I used to dress like Madonna, Boy George Michael Jackson and Prince back in the days. Everyone knew me because of my clothes, lol.
  91. When I buy things depending on the price I keep the box in case something happens and I have to exchange it or return it.
  92. One of my favorite quotes "Dios aprieta, pero no ahorca" "God squeezes but does not strangles"
  93. I hate when people drop by unannounced. 
  94. I have been to one concert in my life. Two if you count the taping of a show.
  95. When I was a kid oatmeal used to make me gag. Now I love it!
  96. When I was about 3 or 4 years old I almost was kidnapped by two guys in the building where my great grandmother lived. The guys had me in the elevator already.
  97. I'm very overprotective when it comes to mis hijos/my children.
  98. I'm good at reading people especially those who are up to no good.
  99. I have tried other apps for Twitter but I always go back to TweetDeck, or the classic Twitter.
  100. Wish I had the money, the clothes and the stamina to go to BlogHer. Looking forward to all the Tweets/Posts/Pics/Videos!

    Hope I didn't bore you with my 100 things!♥♥
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